Rhino Cave Paintings

This term, the children have been learning how to draw animals and people in detail. They have been learning planning and sketching techniques to ensure their drawings are accurate and in proportion.

The final part of their learning was to plan, design and create a cave painting. They used charcoal and sand paper to create a realistic end result.

I’m sure you’ll agree, they look great. Well done Rhino class and a huge thank you to Mrs Harris for her excellent art teaching.

Rhino Eco Champions

Today our Eco Champions conducted an Eco review with Rhino Class to see how green we currently are and to help us think of ways in which we can become more environmentally friendly.

Rhino Homework 23.10.20

Homework this week is to complete a speech activity correcting the mistakes by punctuating the inverted commas correctly.

The activity can be downloaded using the link below.

Speech Homework Activity

There is also an informative video about using inverted commas and punctuating speech on the BBC Bitesize website. Use the link below to access the website.

Speech Video

Research and Booklet Making

This week, pupils in Rhino Class have been learning about the prehistoric settlement of Skara Brae.

Click on the link below to look at a presentation all about Skara Brae:

Skara Brae Stone Age Information Powerpoint

They have watched videos and read information texts to find out about: when it was made, how it was discovered and what we now know about the people who lived there. To display what they learnt, pupils have made information booklets of their own.

They have worked hard and have really enjoyed conducting their research.