Keeping Healthy

This week we are reading a book called Wiffy Wilson, all about a little wolf who doesn’t know why he needs to keep clean.  In our classroom we have some fun activities to help us learn about keeping clean.

Gloop to practise writing letters in.

Rolling the dice and making the right number of teeth for the mouth.

Cutting along the lines to help with scissor control.

Washing the babies and their clothes.

Our keeping healthy and clean display.



As part of our RE lessons we have been learning about Hinduism.  This week we are having an ‘Indian’ week.  We have spice painting, seeds in the play-dough, story telling, dressing up and later in the week we will try some Indian food.

Geography Display

Thank you for all your lovely holiday pictures the display is looking great.  Keep them coming.

Our first week

We have settled in so well for our first week.  The children have been super stars and very confident.  We have done so well we were the winners of Scruffy the ‘BARK’ dog!

B = Behaviour

A = Attitude

R = Respect

K = Kindness

Keep your BARK bones safe.  When you have collected 5 give them to Mrs Goddard and she will make sure you get a certificate in Celebration Assembly.