Missing Football Kit

We are missing the No 6, School Football kit (Shorts and Football top)! It was worn by a member of the team that played against Addmore last week. Please can you have a look at home as it will be needed for our next match next Thursday.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery Trip – Friday 5th July

Polite Reminder

Please can all slips and payments be made to school ASAP for the above trip.

If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834

Year 5 Residential UPDATE

Everyone had a good night and all slept well. Children have had a fab breakfast and are now off to a Shakespeare workshop in the pouring rain!

Stratford Visit

Dear Parents/Carers

Pupils and Teachers have arrived safe and well!

We will update you as and when we can.


Mrs Smith

Reminder – Swimming starts -Thursday 2nd May

Dear Parent/Carer

Just a quick reminder that the swimming sessions start tomorrow, Thursday 2nd May.

Please ensure you send your child’s swimming kit with them, school do NOT have any spare kit which they can lend. Please can we also ask that the girls don’t wear tights on this day as it is a “challenge” for them to get dressed again following their session.

If you have any questions please give school a bell on 01939 290834


Mrs Smith

SATs Week – 13th -17th May * Year 6 Pupils ONLY*

Dear Parent/Carer of Year 6 Pupils ONLY

For the SATs week we would like to invite your child to attend the 8am Sunrise Breakfast Club at no cost.

We feel it will give them time to prepare for their exam, ask any questions they may have and enable us to support them with any worries.

Please can you let Mrs Smith know on either 01939 290834 or by email to admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk if you would like your child to attend.


Miss Goddard



Swimming Sessions – REMINDER

Dear Parent/Carer

Polite Reminder – Please can you return your consent for the swimming sessions which commence this Thursday. Your child will NOT be able to attend these sessions unless the consent form is returned. Copies of this letter can be obtained from the school office.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school.


Mrs Smith


Y5 Parents consultation

Here are the confirmed times of the Y5 parents’ consultation meetings during the first week back after the half term holidays.

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Lansdale 3:30

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Tanulak 3:50

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Boland 5:40

Tuesday 26th February – Mrs Smith 6:00

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Darlow 4:00

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Thomas 4:10

Wednesday 27th February – Miss Simmons 4:30

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Williams 5:40

Wednesday 27th February – Mrs Donoghue 6:00

Kind regards

Mr G Hughes

Spring Half Term 1

Dear Parents

I hope you have all enjoyed a lovely Christmas with your children and I wish you a very happy New Year.

You shall be receiving a newsletter on Tuesday 8th January which will state the new topics that we shall be learning during the Spring Term. However, here are some important details that you need to know before the term starts.

PE this half term shall be on Tuesdays (indoor) and Fridays (outdoor). Please make sure that the children have the correct school PE kit on these days, but on Fridays, I am happy for them to wear tracksuits bottoms, fleece, gloves, hats, etc… over the top of their PE kit to keep them warm.

Forest school will continue on a Tuesday morning but will NOT start on the first day back at school. Therefore, the first Forest School session will be on Tuesday 15th January.

Should you have any questions, please do ask.

Kind regards

Mr Hughes

KS2 Production – 12/12/18

Reminder that this year’s KS2 Production (Rhino and Jaguar) will be taking place on Wednesday 12 December.  There will be one performance at 1.30pm and another at 5.30pm.  A letter with more information will be sent home with children soon.