Highlights from home Y5&6 Week 2

Well done everybody! The end of the term has arrived and you should all be proud of your achievements during the last two weeks, working from home in these difficult circumstances. Fingers crossed that we get some warm weather during the next fortnight so that you can spend plenty of time in the garden. This will allow the children to ‘play’ and be outdoors as much as possible.

Here are some of the highlights from this week’s work/activities by the children.
English at home Week 2
Maths at home week 2
Other activities & lessons at home


Here are the top 5 spellers from Spelling Shed today:
1st = Heidi 44 points
2nd = Ruby 41 points
3rd = Nelly 39 points
4th = Cameron 18 points
5th = Jack 11 points

Currently, we are in 13th place in the world on Spelling Shed. The new spellings to be learned during the Easter break shall be on Spelling Shed tomorrow morning, as well as the ‘Expected’ Y3&4 / Y5&6 spellings too.

As this is not the usual ‘Easter break’, some parents have asked for some work to be provided on the website so that their children are maintaining their high standards and kept busy, especially on the days where the weather may not allow for outdoor time. Therefore, even though I won’t be providing a daily timetable, I shall be putting on the website in the morning a mini project for the Y5s and Y6s to do separately should they wish to do so. Also, there shall be some extra maths activities for the children to have the opportunity to complete, based on their learning from these past two weeks.

For those children who choose to complete these activities, the rewards system (Dojos) will continue during this time and be added accordingly.

Even though I shall be busy planning next Summer Term’s lessons as well as beginning to write the children’s end of year reports, I will be delighted to be sent any examples of what they’ve produced and will of course continue to offer advice or feedback on the content of their work.

Happy Easter everyone!



Working from home Y5&6 Friday 3rd April

It’s the final day of the term, but it’s a strange way for it to end. Hopefully, you’ve all been safe and well at home, and the children have been able to maintain some form of normality and routine during the past two weeks. Thank you for supporting your child/children throughout these days at home whenever they’ve needed it.

I’ve tried to keep everything as normal as possible and in a way in which the children are capable of accessing their learning as independently as possible. It’s a huge help though that you are there to guide and encourage a high expectation and standard in the way that they learn. I’m always a quick message away if and when you need anything!

Here’s a timetable for the final day’s learning from home this term.
Daily Timetable Friday 3.4.20

9:00 Morning exerciseJoe Wicks (Or if you are all Joe Wicks’d out, you could try a dance class with Oti Mabuse on her Youtube page)

9:30 Spelling Test – The spellings to be tested on are on Slide 2 of the daily timetable! Good luck and be honest! If you can send me your scores from this week (and last week if you didn’t) that would be great.

9:40 Spelling Shed – The new spellings to learn over the Easter holidays shall appear on Spelling Shed on Saturday morning. However, the Expected Y3&4 / Expected Y5&6 spellings should be available for you to practise tomorrow (Let me know if they don’t appear).

10:00 RE through English (all morning)
Lesson 2 Friday 3rd April – RE Salvation – Easter
Newspaper report layout

1:00 Reading

1:30 Maths
Y5s (Subtracting decimals)
Y5 Friday Maths 3.4.20
Y5 Friday Maths activity 3.4.20
Y6s (Calculation practise)
Y6 Maths Lesson 5 April 3rd


2:30 Take a break! Enjoy doing one of your hobbies or help out with some gardening, cooking, housework, etc………




Working from home Y5&6 Thursday 2nd April

Here’s the timetable for tomorrow.

Daily Timetable Thursday 2.4.20

9:00 Morning physical activity
9:30 Spelling Shed
9:45 English

English Lesson 4 Thursday 2.4.20

11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
Y5 Maths Lesson 4 Activity Thursday 2nd April
Y6 Maths Lesson 4 Thursday 2nd April
1:00 Reading
1:30 Music
Music Thursday 2.4.20
2:30 PE
PE Fitness session

Working from home Y5&6 Wednesday 1st April

Hi all,
Thank you for sending all of the wonderful examples of stories, art work, maths, science, etc…. this week so far. If you/your child would like to take a look at what many of the children in the class have been producing at home, you can find this on the school website under the link ‘Highlights from home Week 2’.
Again, we are continuing to perform strongly on Spelling Shed, currently holding 17th place in the world. The current table can also be found on the ‘Highlights from home’ link as can our top 10 spellers from today!


Here is the timetable for Wednesday 1st April.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 1.4.20
9:45 English
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 1.4.20
11:00 Maths
Y5s – Adding and subtracting decimals
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y5 Maths Lesson 3 Activity Wednesday 1st April
Y6s – 3D Shapes
Y6 Maths Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 1 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April
Y6 Maths Activity 2 Lesson 3 Wednesday 1st April

1:00 Reading

1:30 Aviation Art competition
2020 LAA Aviation Art Competition poster
Aviation Art competition information

Working from home Y5&6 Tuesday 31st March

It’s the final day of March tomorrow and what an eventful month it has been!
Thank you to all of you who have sent me the work/activities that the children have been doing today. You can access these photographs on the ‘Highlights from home’ link on the school website.


Here’s a timetable of learning for tomorrow.
Daily Timetable Tuesday 31.3.20
9:00 Morning physical activity: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
9:30 Spelling Shed: Can we make it into the Top 10? We are currently 17th in the world!
9:45 English:
Beginning to write a balanced argument text – Bats
English Lesson 2 Tuesday 31.3.20
11:00 Maths:
Y5s Complements (Number bonds to 1)
Y5 Maths Lesson 2 Tuesday 31.3.20
Y5 Maths Activity Tuesday 31.3.20
Y6s Polygons
Y6 Maths Lesson 2 Tuesday 31st March
Y6 Maths Activity 1 Tuesday 31st March
Y6 Maths Activity 2 Tuesday 31st March
1:00 Reading: Explain your reading in your reading record
1:30 Topic / Art: Crime & Punishment
Topic – Crime and Punishment Lesson 7 – Prisons of the past



Working from home Y5&6 Monday 30th March

Welcome to week 2 of working from home. Hopefully you’ve been safe and well over the weekend and are managing to keep busy whilst at home.

Here’s a timetable for the children to access for Monday’s learning from home.

Daily Timetable Monday 30.3.20

9:00 Morning exercise – Joe Wicks https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ

9:30 Spelling ShedY5&6 at Myddle are currently 42nd in the WORLD! Can you make it into the top 35 during the next 15 minutes?

9:45 English

English Lesson 1 Monday 30.3.20

10:45 Break

11:00 Maths

Y5 Maths Monday 30th March

Y5-Maths Monday 30th March activity

Y6 Maths Lesson 1 Monday 30th March

12:00 Lunch

1:00 Reading – Log your reading in your reading records

1:30 Science

Science Lesson 5 Irreversible and Reversible changes

Identifying Changes Activity Sheet 1

Irreversible Changes Activity Sheet 2

Happy Monday’s learning!

I’m here if you need me for anything.

Y5&6 Homework Week 1

Here’s homework for Y5 for this week for those that wish to access it.  I shall attach the answers to the comprehension homework next week so that you/your child can mark it yourself/themselves at home.

Comprehension Fiction

Y5 Fiction Reading Homework

Comprehension Non-Fiction

Y5 Non Fiction Reading Homework

Maths – Adding and Subtracting decimals

Y5 Adding decimals homework

Y5 Subtracting decimals