Confirmed case of Coronavirus

We were notified on Sunday 4th October that one of our pupils in Jaguar class has tested positive for Covid-19. We want to reassure you that the pupil has not been in school since Friday 25th September as they were isolating due to a family member being positive.  The pupil displayed no symptoms while in school, so following government guidance, we do not need to close the Jaguar bubble.


Update – Forest School Facility

We wanted to share with you the exciting progress which we are making with the forest school area. Mr Glover has been working really hard to clear the area which had become very overgrown. Mr and Mrs Price, parents of Freya, Grace and Jack very kindly donated a delivery of wood chippings so we could define the areas with clear paths and make it a little less muddy. I am sure you will all agree it looks so much better.

We are now in the next stage of planning and a thorough risk assessment is being completed, we will then know that we can use this area safely and allow it to form part of the curriculum learning of our pupils.

We will keep you updated and will give you plenty of advance notice when your child will need to come to school in their forest school clothes.

We are very excited and looking forward to being able to use this facility again in the near future.

Homework due on 5th October

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

Times table sheet (10x, 5x, 2x, or 4x, depending on child’s results from previous test).

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Maths worksheet (tens and ones).

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

Times table sheet (10x, 5x,  mixed or 2x depending on child’s results from previous test).

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Maths worksheet (tens and ones)

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3 spellings – to be tested on 5th October

Words with endings that sound like /ch/ is often spelt –’ture’ unless the root word ends in (t)ch.


Year 2 spellings – to be tested on 5th October

The /n/ sound spelt kn and gn at the beginning of words.


Outstanding Lunch monies

Dear Parent/Carers

Please can any outstanding money for school dinners please be paid via school gateway as soon as possible.

Mrs Russell will be sending slips home tonight if you owe anything so please check your child’s school bag.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Letter home tonight -Parent Governor Elections

Dear Parents/Carers

Your child will have been given the attached letter to bring home tonight.

Please return the last sheet, Nomination Sheet, to school by Monday, 5th October.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to school on 01939 290834.

Kind Regards

Mrs Smith

Parent Governor Election Sept 20