School Photo’s & Christmas Order Update

Dear Parent/Carers

For those who have ordered Christmas cards, Christmas tags or School pictures, these have now arrived and will be sent home with your child today (Friday 4th Dec).

If you have ordered Tea-Towels, Mugs or Bags, these have not arrived, but I am assured these will be with us early next week.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834.

Mrs Smith


Current COVID Stay at Home Guidance

We would just like to remind you of the current guidelines we are following regarding illness –

If your child is displaying any of the three main COVID symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of sense of smell/taste) they must self-isolate for 10 days.  The rest of the household must self-isolate for 14 days.

Please do not bring your child or any siblings to school under these circumstances. 

We advise you to get your child (or household member) tested as soon as possible and if the test comes back negative your child may return to school immediately, assuming they are well enough in general.  You can book a test by calling 119 or by visiting

With the annual Flu vaccinations taking place on Thursday, 3rd December, some children may feel unwell as a result. We are still required to follow the same guidance, so children should not come to school if they (or a member of their household) have a temperature, new continuous cough or a loss of sense of smell/taste.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your continued support.

Pre-School Age Toys

Reverend and Mrs Clayton are collecting good condition toys for the shoe box appeal.

They need to be in good condition, suitable for Pre-school age children and fit in a shoe box.

If you have anything at home that may be suitable please drop them off at The Rectory.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 27th November

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Cass & Isobel (Chosen by Mr Steed)
Rhino – Isabella
Tiger – Rose
Panda – Felix

Mathematician of the Week: Katie, Olivia, Josh & Indi

Reader of the Week: Arianna, Ben, Jessica & Luke

Writer of the Week: Holly H, Mia, Isabelle & Oliver

Hand writers of the Week: Amy, Caspar, Jack & Imogen B


Well Done Everyone


November Birthday Party

Earlier this month, we decided to give the children whose birthdays are happening during lockdown a chance to have a party with their friends in Tiger Class.

Today, we had our first Tigers Birthday Bash and the children had a brilliant time!


Celebration Assembly – 20th November 2020

Star of the Week :
Jaguar -Cameron
Rhino – Connor
Tiger – Eve
Panda – Evelyn

Mathematician of the Week: Holly T, Alfie & Ollie, Abi, James & Harry-Jai

Reader of the Week: Nelly, Eloise, William & Olivia

Writer of the Week: Dylan, Josh, Peter & Florence

Hand writers of the Week: Alissa, Leo, William Pe

Class DOJO Merits: Rhino Class

Well Done Everyone


Virtual Nursery and Reception Open Afternoon

Dear Parents/Carers

We are holding our annual open afternoon virtually this year on Friday 27th November 2020.

This virtual event will give us the opportunity to introduce the fantastic facilities we have in the Nursery and Reception classes to any new families looking for a place for their child.

If you would like to make an appointment or know of anyone who may be interested in finding out about the Nursery and Reception facilities please give school a ring on 01939 290834.

Miss Phillips & Mrs Smith

Carols on the Doorstep

Dear Parents/Carers

You may be aware of the Carols on the Doorstep event which started in Shrewsbury but is now ‘going national’ – we have been asked to help make sure that as many streets in possible take part in Shropshire on December 16th and to invite you all to join in!

To take part, stand on your doorsteps on Wednesday, December 16th from 6-7pm and tune in to BBC Radio Shropshire (96FM) who will be providing the backing music from last year’s Carols in the Square for you to sing along to. You are also asked to choose to donate, if you can, to a charity of your choice – there are four local charities suggested on the website.

I have attached the flyer here for the event but you can also find details at

The words to the carols can be found there, along with simple sheet music for children to play along to on a variety of instruments (all the right key!).

Obviously the more the merrier – it would be wonderful to get the whole of Shropshire and the rest of the UK all singing together at the same time!

Why not also Decorate your Doorstep (see ‘Decorate’ on the website) – there are prizes available for the best decorated houses!

Kind regards,

Alison Stevens
Shropshire Music Service

Carols on the Doorstep


Christmas Cards

Usually in school we open up our Myddle Christmas Post Box for children to post Christmas cards to their friends but unfortunately, this will not be possible this year.

We politely request that children do not bring Christmas cards into school to distribute.

We understand that this may be very disappointing for some children, so we are going to do our very best to make school extra ‘Christmassy’ and magical this year, to make up for us not being able to do some of our usual Christmas school traditions.