Tiger Class – Thursday 21st January

Thursday is Music day! And Zoom catch-up day!

We will have a Zoom catch-up at 2pm on Thursday 21st January. Details on how to join will be send via Class Dojo, so we can keep it private.


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: Sharing and grouping activity

Worksheets: SAME AS YESTERDAY’S: Y2-Spring-Block-1-WO2-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2019-1 (number 6 only, left from yesterday’s lesson)


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division – End of unit revision task. There is no video lesson today, as it’s time for the children to complete the revision task, prior to doing an end-of-unit assessment tomorrow. If children struggle with any of the work, they can revisit the relevant video lesson from the past two weeks.

Worksheet: Y3-HL-Spring-Block-1-Multiplication-and-division-2-2020

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

This week is also Space week on Cbeebies. Please see below the schedule for especially produced shows:

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated today: www.edshed.com

Spelling Shed Scheme Stage 2 Lesson 16 – Adding -er to words ending in y. The y is changed to an i – Lesson 16

Spelling Shed Curriculum Stage 3 Lesson 16 – Adding the suffix ly. Adding the ly suffix to an adjective turns it into an adverb – Lesson 16

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Snow Leopards

Good morning Snow Leopards. I hope you are well.

This week we have lots of exciting things planned. I hope you will join us at home.

Cooking ~ We will be making cupcakes (appropriate COVID guidance,1 household per bake) We are making a Victoria Sponge. Talking to the children about measuring and quantities. They will help to pour, mix and scoop the ingredients into their cupcake case.
We will be setting a timer for the children to keep an eye on, allowing them to become more aware of lengths of time.

Planting ~ Our spider plants in nursery have sprouted little plants so we have placed each in their own pot. We will be watching a short clip about the growth of plants.
We are encouraging each child to tend to their own plant, ensuring it is getting plenty of sunshine and water.
The children can also learn some Makaton signs relating to gardening.

Dingle Dangle Scarecrow ~ A short, enjoyable song for the children to join in and dance too!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXxa2SVlQyE

PE ~ We will be taking part in a short session. We will start by warming up our bodies (Sticky Kids on youtube), then play ‘Walk the Plank’ – Apply masking tape to the floor in a long straight line or draw a line using chalk outside. Encourage the children to walk carefully along the line ensuring they don’t wobble off!
You can make the activity more challenging by balancing a beanbag or cushion on their head. If this is still too easy experiment with different ways of moving; hopping, skipping, sidesteps or walking backwards – but remember… don’t fall off!

Remember to continue short phonics activities with your child.
Only practice set 1 sounds, there are videos to help you and lots of resources for your children to enjoy.

I hope you enjoy these activities. Please take photos and add them to Dojo for us to see all of your hard work!

Stay safe
Jodie Phillips

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 20th January

Wednesday 20th January

All Pandas

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3 schedule.


Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.

I have added a sheet with all of the sounds in each set.


Can you ask your child to tell you the sounds in the set they are working on.  If you point to each sound in turn, then ask them which sound it is.  If they know if securely, straight away then tick it off.  If they are not sure (which is fine) then you know these are the ones to focus on.  If you are on Set 3, you can access Mrs Suthers on YouTube, she has lessons which cover all of the sounds in that set. I will put a link to one of her lessons then that will guide you to the other sounds too. These are good as extra practice when the Ruth Miskin Live Lessons have been taken down.


English – Year 1 – Reception can choose this too if you would like to continue with The Magic Paint Brush. If not, follow the Reception work.

In this lesson (3), we will be deepening the understanding of a recount through role play.  Spellings within the video too.


English – Reception – In this lesson (1), we will learn how to listen to and respond to a story through games and nursery rhymes.



Year 1 –  Addition and Subtraction. This work is for today and tomorrow.


Reception – In this lesson, we will be adding and using a number track to support counting on to ten.


Geography – Looking at the features of the Polar regions.

Enjoy reading the book ‘Where Snowflakes Fall’.


In this lesson (1) we learn where polar habitats are located on a world map and identify features of them. We also learn some ways that animals have adapted to be able to survive in such extreme conditions.


Challenge (this can be done at any time) – to build an igloo!  Your igloos don’t have to be exactly the same as on the video.  Use anything you have to hand. Some suggestions: Cotton wool balls, marshmallows, ice cubes or card board tubes cut into rings.

Have a lovely day

Mandy Turner

Tiger Class – Wednesday 20th January

Wednesday is PE Day again! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright: The Wright Way Group


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: Make equal groups – grouping

Worksheets: Y1-Summer-Block-1-WO6-Make-equal-groups-grouping-2020 



  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: How many ways?

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO9-How-many-ways_-2019

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

This week is also Space week on Cbeebies. Please see below the schedule for especially produced shows:

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated today: www.edshed.com

Spelling Shed Scheme Stage 2 Lesson 16 – Adding -er to words ending in y. The y is changed to an i – Lesson 16

Spelling Shed Curriculum Stage 3 Lesson 16 – Adding the suffix ly. Adding the ly suffix to an adjective turns it into an adverb – Lesson 16

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 19th January

Welcome to Tuesday’s learning.

All Pandas

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3.


Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.


This link is for the next few weeks of the ‘live lesson’ schedule.



Yoga – Choose one of the wonderful stories.



English – Year 1 – Reception can choose this too if you would like to continue with The Magic Paint Brush. If not, follow the Reception work.

In this lesson (2), we will map, step and speak the story of the ‘The Magic Paintbrush’


English – Reception

Winter-Themed Phase 2 Say It, Join It, Write It Activity


Year 1 – Continue with yesterday’s work.  Addition and Subtraction.

Reception – Adding by counting on.


History – All Pandas

Watch the video about Christopher Columbus, then record 5 facts about him.


This is the facts sheet.


If you have chance, and the weather is settled, why not go for a nature walk.  What can you hear, see, smell and touch?  Can you collect some things to use in artwork or other activities.

Have a lovely day, enjoyment is the key thing – if it gets fraught take a break and come back to it another time. Be kind to yourselves.

Mandy Turner


Tiger Class – Tuesday 19th January


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: Make equal groups – sharing

Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-1-WO1-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2019


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: Scaling

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO8-Scaling-2019

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

This week is also Space week on Cbeebies. Please see below the schedule for especially produced shows:

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated today: www.edshed.com

Spelling Shed Scheme Stage 2 Lesson 16 – Adding -er to words ending in y. The y is changed to an i – Lesson 16

Spelling Shed Curriculum Stage 3 Lesson 16 – Adding the suffix ly. Adding the ly suffix to an adjective turns it into an adverb – Lesson 16

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Tiger Class – Home learning – Monday 18th January

On Monday 18th January, Mrs Williams will be leading a whole Federation worship on Zoom, at 9am. Details on how to join us will be published on our Class Dojo (to keep it private).

Also, our PE Coach (Mr Wright) is publishing 30 mins long fitness lessons on their You Tube channel. There will be new lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This would be a great alternative to our usual PE sessions during lockdown, particularly when the weather is not suitable for outdoor exercise.

The Wright Way Group Coaching


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Lesson: Make equal groups – sharing (recap)

Worksheet: Y1-Summer-Block-1-WO7-Make-equal-groups-sharing-2020


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Lesson: Divide 2-digits number by 1-digit number 

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-1-WO7-Divide-2-digits-by-1-digit-3-2019

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Next week is also Space week on Cbeebies. Please see the schedule for especially produced shows below:

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated today: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Monday 18th January

Hi Pandas,

here is the work for Monday’s learning.

Joe Wicks or MOVE  PE  – both available Live on YouTube

Cosmic Kids Yoga, on YouTube

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live lessons on YouTube – Working at your pace on each sound in Sets 1 – 3.

Reading – Oxford Owl e-books.  https://home.oxfordowl.co.uk/reading/free-ebooks/

Also, check out this virtual library, a new resource for children.


Year 1 Maths – This week we are consolidating what we know about Addition & Subtraction. The link is to a variety of questions designed to assess if the children have remembered the strategies needed to answer questions covered in recent learning.

Chat through each problem with your child; asking what they need to do.  Answers could be given verbally or jotted down in their work books.  I suggest doing half the questions on Monday and the other half on Tuesday.  There will be a similar set of questions for Wednesday and Thursday in Wednesday’s post.

Year 1 – Spring Add & Sub 20 PDF

Reception Maths –  Using manipulatives (small items) to ‘count on’ when adding.


Number-Formation-Tracing-Strips-0-10     Use these sheets to trace over the numbers so that your child knows how to write each of the numbers, forming them correctly.

English – Year 1

The Magic Paintbrush   Diary entry/Recount.

Task – Create a Recount Map from the Magic Paintbrush story.

Plus Spellings within the video.


English – Reception

Watch the Magic Paintbrush  Same lesson for Year 1  Skip to the story – do as much or as little as you feel appropriate of the other activities within the video – it’s the story that I want them to enjoy. Then, using the cards in the link below, can your child order the story in to the correct sequence?

The Magic Paintbrush Story Sequencing Cards

letter-formation-alphabet-handwriting-sheet-lowercase  This link is for practising letter formation. Start with the red dot and follow the arrows – correct letter formation is really important.

Art – All Pandas

This week we are looking at collage and how to create them.  There are some amazing examples on the Tate link.  This website is great for a general explore!


Have a great day.

Mandy Turner

Panda Class Home Learning Friday 15th January

Friday 15th January 2021

What a busy week! It’s been filled with positive Panda moments and lots of amazing work as a result.  Thank you for all of your hard work and effort – it can’t be easy juggling all of life’s commitments and home schooling.

I will send a link (on Class Dojo) to a PowerPoint which is a celebration of the wonderful work Pandas have produced over the last week. I’ve really enjoyed seeing what you’ve been doing. You should all feel very proud!

I would like to have today as a chance to catch up on the tasks you haven’t managed to fit into the week so far. There might be a couple of pieces of work you need to go back to; or something you wanted to spend longer doing, or just have a rest!

I hope you can make it to our Panda Class Zoom session at 2pm Friday 15th.  (Again, I will send the meeting ID on Class Dojo)  If children have anything they would like to show or share then they can have a go.  Initially I expect they will be a bit ‘star struck’ when they see their friends, so we will have to see how it goes.

If you are up to date and would like more work – I have added a few suggestions:

Ruth Miskin Phonics – Friday’s live lessons.

Joe Wicks and our own Mr Wright, ‘TWWG Move’ offer on-line PE sessions via YouTube.

Cosmic Kids Yoga

Reading (100s of free e-books via Oxford Owl link)

Board games

Singing and dancing

Role Play – can you act out the story of Lost and Found?

https://www.tate.org.uk/kids  Tate Modern for children is a wonderful resource full of amazing creative opportunities. I was on the site for ages exploring all of the different areas. I would definitely recommend it!

Here is a link to a lovely story called ‘While we can’t hug’.


I hope you all have a restful and enjoyable weekend.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner

Tiger Class – Friday 15th January


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson: 10 times-table

Worksheet: Y2-Autumn-Block-4-WO9-The-10-times-table-2019


  • Maths – Multiplication and Division

Video lesson (activity): Divide with remainders

No worksheet linked to today’s lesson / activity. Tasks given within video lesson. Alternatively, please complete an additional worksheet for the last couple of lessons: Worksheet: Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (2)

All Tigers

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

Year 2 spellings: Spelling Shed Scheme Stage 2 Lesson 15 – Adding -ed to words ending in y. The y is changed to an i – Lesson 15

Year 3 spellings: Spelling Shed Curriculum Stage 3 Lesson 15 – The long a vowel sound spelled ey – Lesson 15

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.