Snow Leopards

Hello Snow Leopards.
Hope you are all well and keeping busy!

I have, again gathered together some resources/activities that may keep you busy during these unusual times.

The Wright Way Group have started exercise sessions that will encourage our little Snow Leopards to get up and active! This clip is one of our nursery favourites…The Gruffalo!
Be sure to check out their YouTube page for more fun active stories sessions!

Name Recognition Activity Mat
This worksheet is for you to edit to help your children form the letters in their name. Laminating this sheet is a good option as then it is reusable.

This homemade playdough recipe is perfect to keep the children entertained! The link below the recipe are activity mats – again these would work well laminated.

Winter Maths Challenge Cards
These are very popular games in nursery, brilliant for counting and number recognition.

Also remember our set 1 sounds for phonics and the short e-Book stories. All the information and guidance can be found using the link below

If you have any questions or need any more ideas, activities or stationary please do not hesitate to ask and I will do my best to assist you.

Lastly, remember to send us photos and updates on Dojo, we loved to see them!

Take care,

Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 9th February

Hi Pandas,

This week’s learning will still have lots of learning but will ‘feel’ a bit different.  As we look forward to half term we will have more of a self-directed week of work.

Phonics is still available each day – the Live Phonics lessons with Ruth Miskin continue this week.  These lessons have been well-received and seem to be a favourite!

Maths Year 1 and Reception  This week has a mix of Number and 3D shape work.  It doesn’t matter which order you do the work in.  The Number worksheets are differentiated by having stars in the bottom left-hand corner. 1 Star being easier than 3 stars. You can if you choose, do them all, or, pick one that suits your child’s learning. The 3D shape work has a variety of activities; some practical work, finding the shapes in everyday objects, and some 2D & 3D Riddles along with colouring and cutting activities.  Go at your own pace through the week.  Let me know if you have any queries.







Year 1 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1

Year 1 Spring 2 Activity Mat 1

Year 1 English

In this lesson, (4)  Anansi & Tiger

In this lesson, we learn how to use the conjunction ‘and’ to join two sentences or clauses together.

Reception Writing Activity Booklet

Reception children, enjoy this booklet throughout the week.  Work through the activities at your own pace and try and complete at least one sheet per day if possible.

Reception literacy-activity-booklet

Hope you have chance for lots of great reading. Enjoy a good book…


Click on the link below to take you to a topic overview for the whole week.

Topic Overview for week commencing 8th February 2021

Have a great day.

Mandy Turner


Tiger Class – Home learning – Tuesday 9th February

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

In the afternoon, the Year 3 spelling test will be live on Zoom, at 2pm. Children will also have a chance to ask any questions about today’s lessons or share their work. All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO5-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-10


Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-3-WO2-Bar-charts

All Tigers

There are no new spellings for next week, as we will not have homework for half-term.

Topic: Chinese New Year




Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Monday 8th February

Hi Pandas,

This week’s learning will still have lots of learning but will ‘feel’ a bit different.  As we look forward to half term we will have more of a self-directed week of work.

Phonics is still available each day – the Live Phonics lessons with Ruth Miskin continue this week.  These lessons have been well-received and seem to be a favourite!

Maths Year 1 and Reception  This week has a mix of Number and 3D shape work.  It doesn’t matter which order you do the work in.  The Number worksheets are differentiated by having stars in the bottom left-hand corner. 1 Star being easier than 3 stars. You can if you choose, do them all, or, pick one that suits your child’s learning. The 3D shape work has a variety of activities; some practical work, finding the shapes in everyday objects, and some 2D & 3D Riddles along with colouring and cutting activities.  Go at your own pace through the week.  Let me know if you have any queries.







Year 1 Spring 1 Activity Mat 1

Year 1 Spring 2 Activity Mat 1

Year 1 English

In this lesson, (3) we use our action writing toolkit to role-play as the different animal characters and explore what happens to them. 

Reception Writing Activity Booklet

Reception children, enjoy this booklet throughout the week.  Work through the activities at your own pace and try and complete at least one sheet per day if possible.

Reception literacy-activity-booklet

Hope you have chance for lots of great reading. Enjoy a good book…


Click on the link below to take you to a topic overview for the whole week. Enjoy…

Topic Overview for week commencing 8th February 2021

Have a great day,

Mandy Turner

Tiger Class – Home learning – Monday 8th February

On Monday 8th February, Mrs Williams will be leading a whole Federation worship on Zoom, at 9am. Details on how to join us will be published on our Class Dojo (to keep it private).

Following on from that, Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.
At 11.15am, the Phonics Orange Group will have their weekly lesson on Zoom, with Mrs Rohr.
In the afternoon, the Year 2 spelling test will be live on Zoom, at 2pm. Children will also have a chance to ask any questions about today’s lessons or share their work.
All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Our PE Coach (Mr Wright) is publishing 30 mins long fitness lessons on their You Tube channel. There will be new lessons on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. This would be a great alternative to our usual PE sessions during lockdown, particularly when the weather is not suitable for outdoor exercise. The Wright Way Group Coaching

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO4-Draw-pictograms-2-5-and-10


  • Maths – Statistics – There is no Maths video lesson for Y3 today, as this is another revision session.

Revision worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-3-WO1-Pictograms

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated tomorrow, once both year groups have done their weekly tests:

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Friday 5th February

Hello Pandas.

After all of your hard work this week, take it easy today and have lots of Panda fun!

I found it more enjoyable to watch this without the sound on.


From 10am on Friday 5th February,  Chester Zoo are offering a virtual zoo day – with a full time table of fascinating animal activities for us to watch.  I can’t wait, I love Chester Zoo.


Other things you could try today:

Continue with Ruth Miskin’s Live Phonics Lesson for Friday.

Cosmic Kids Yoga on YouTube, going for a walk,, bird-spotting.

Joe Wicks or Mr Wright TWWG’ Move’ PE lessons available on YouTube.

Jigsaws and board games.

Try this craft activity to make a tiger :

Templates for tiger craft

Cardboard Tube Tiger Craft Instructions

Or if you want to make an invertebrate creature, after this week’s science, try this jelly fish activity:

If you’re feeling like doing some super science have a look at this activity: Place some cabbage leaves or any other suitable veg into a glass of water with food colouring in.  Watch the ink track up the stem and into the leaf.

What ever you do today, make sure you have lots of fun.  I will hopefully see some of you on our 2pm Zoom session – if you could have a teddy bear or doll and some paper and colouring pencils. I will send the link on Class Dojo tomorrow.

Best wishes and have a great day.

Mandy Turner

Tiger Class – Home learning – Friday 5th February

Friday is PE day! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright: The Wright Way Group

  • There are no Zoom calls on Friday, as it is mostly your “catch-up day”.
Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO3-Interpret-pictograms-1-1


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO5-Interpret-pictograms-2-5-and-10

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated tomorrow, once both year groups have done their weekly tests:

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Thursday 4th February

H Pandas.

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3 schedule.

Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.

I have added a sheet with all of the sounds in each set.


Have a look at Alphablocks – rhyming words.

English – Year 1

Lesson 2  Anansi and Tiger.

In this lesson, we create a story map and ‘step’ the story of ‘Anansi and Tiger’.

Reception –  Lesson 10 The Noisy House.

In this final lesson, we will bring the work of the last five lessons together to support independent storytelling.

Maths – Year 1

Today will focus on counting in 2s and 5s.


Teaching slidesSpr1.7.2-Count-in-2s

PowerPointY1-Spring-Block-2-PPT8-Count-in-2s-2019 (2)



Worksheet Y1-Spring-Block-2-WO9-Count-in-5s-2019


Lesson 4 In this lesson we will continue to use language to describe position but more accurately the position of toys and objects


Living Things Lesson 3

In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 3 different families of animals which are invertebrates. Invertebrates are animals which do not have a backbone. They either have a soft body, like worms and jellyfish, or they have a hard outer casing covering their body, like spiders and crabs. We will be learning specifically about crustaceans, arachnids and insects which are types of invertebrates.

After all that hard work enjoy the story of The Clumsy Crab by Ruth Galloway.

Have a great day and don’t forget to message me if you have any queries.

Mandy Turner

Tiger Class – Home learning – Thursday 4th February

  • Thursday is Music day!
  • Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.
  • In the afternoon, there will be another Zoom call for Year 2 at 2pm and one or Year 3 at 2.30pm, when Mrs Crowe will answer any queries and brief the children about Friday’s lessons and tasks, as there are no Zoom calls on Friday.

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:



Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO2-Draw-pictograms


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-2-WO4-Draw-pictograms-2-5-and-10

All Tigers

Last Summer, during the first lockdown, we have completed a Space weekly project, aimed at KS1. There is also a project aimed at Lower KS2 (Years 3 and 4), which some of you might enjoy: Y3_4-Learning-Project-SPACE

These activities can be complete throughout this half-term / lockdown.

For those who missed the KS1 Space project the first time around, there are more suitable activities for Year 2 in that one: KS1-Learning-Project-SPACE

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed will be updated tomorrow, once both year groups have done their weekly tests:

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 3rd February

Hi Pandas – you are all doing such a good job!  You are settling into a routine of what works for you – and that’s the key –  go with the flow of the day, every day will be different.  You are such Super Stars!!

Phonics – Ruth Miskin Live Lessons for Set 1,2 & 3. These ‘Live’ lessons are available for 24 hrs then they are removed.

(An alternative, if the sound you want has gone, is on YouTube – Mrs Suthers does Read Write Inc phonics lessons (RWI)).

Carry on with your set’s schedule each day.

This link is for the next few weeks of the ‘live lesson’ schedule.   

Have a go at blending these sounds in this game.  using the digraphs, ch, sh and th.


English – Year 1

Lesson 1  Anansi and Tiger

In the first lesson of this new unit, we listen to the story ‘Anansi and Tiger’ and think about the characters and main plot points in a ‘plot matrix’.

Reception –  Lesson 9  The Noisy House

In this lesson, we will be using actions, steps and mime to teach language through story.


Enjoy this poem by Clare Bevan – ‘If I were…’


Maths – Year 1 Ordering numbers within 50.

Teaching Slides Spr1.6.5-Order-numbers-within-50

Power Point Y1-Spring-Block-2-PPT7-Order-numbers-within-50-2019

Worksheet Y1-Spring-Block-2-WO7-Order-numbers-within-50-2019

Reception – Positional Language

Lesson 3   In this lesson children will learn vocabulary to describe the position of objects such as on, above, below and beside.

Geography – All Pandas

In this lesson, we are going to be flying to Africa!

Today, we are learning more about this huge continent. First, we will be filling our brains with facts about the population and how many countries are in Africa. I am so excited that we will be looking at different foods which are grown in Africa and transported all over the world. Then we will be looking at the interesting animals and landmarks you could see if you visited Africa. Get your passport ready, let’s virtually fly to Africa!

After our trip to Africa, enjoy the story of Handa’s Surprise, by Eileen Browne. 

What is your favourite fruit?

Have a lovely day.

Mandy Turner