Uniform – Girls cardigan

Please can cardigans be checked to ensure your child is wearing their own.

We would also be grateful if all uniform could be named to avoid any items accidentally being mixed up.

Mrs Smith

Important Information – Skirt lengths

It been brought to our attention, since returning to school on Monday, that a number of pupils are wearing items of clothing that we feel do not meet the requirements of our school uniform dress code. Our school unform is something to be proud of and although it may not be the height of fashion we do expect it to be adhered to.

Please can we ask that skirts worn to school are a dark grey or black standard school skirt to the knee in length – no fashion skirts and no skirts of stretchy material please.

If you would like to discuss any issues you have please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834.

Thank you for your support in this matter.

Mr Glover
Deputy Head Teacher

Nursery Parents – Collection and Drop off

We are continually reviewing our collection and drop off arrangements in school to ensure there is sufficient space for everyone to stay safe.

We have noticed that Panda and Nursery areas gets very busy in a fairly small area of the playground. With this in mind, we are proposing to ask parents of Nursery children to arrive at school via the usual main school entrance, then follow the one way system down the playground to the bottom exit gate. We would then ask that you drop off/collect your child from the main entrance of Nursery (by the bike shed).

We are hopeful that this will alleviate some of the congestion but rest assured that we will monitor it closely and adjust this if necessary.

If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834.

Thank you for your co-operation

Mrs Smith

Where to get your LTF tests for home

From Shropshire council bulletin:

Families can take-up rapid testing offer

The Government has confirmed twice-weekly testing using rapid Lateral Flow Tests.

These will be made available for free to all adults in households with primary school-aged, secondary school-aged or college-aged children, for those without symptoms. This includes adults in childcare and support bubbles.

The twice-weekly testing will also be offered to adults working in the wider school community, including bus drivers, taxi drivers and after school club leaders.

Where you can pick up your Lateral Flow home testing kits

As a school, we really encourage you to collect your packs so that we can keep the school community as safe as possible. No appointment necessary, just wear a mask and go to one of the centres above. They can be posted to you and there was a link in my main post on the newsletter.

Parents – stay safe at school gates

We are urging parents to observe social distancing and wear face coverings when dropping off and collecting their children from school.

Last year, staff at some schools had raised concerns that not all parents were observing social distancing, and some were ignoring the measures designed to keep them and others safe.

Remember, while schools are reopening, we’re still in the third Lockdown, so please:

Avoid gathering in close groups to catch up or chat outside schools

Follow your school’s instructions on safely dropping off and picking up, and leave immediately once this is done.

Panda Class Home Learning Friday 5th March

Hi Pandas,


it’s the last day of Home Learning!  Hooray!!!

You have all done so well, you should feel very proud of yourselves for all of your hard work!  A huge thank you to all of the grown ups too that have had such an enormous task to make it all happen.

We are all set for next week, to welcome you back; with lots of fun activities.

For today, Friday – use this day to catch up or take it easy.

Don’t forget to do some yoga with Cosmic Kids, or PE with Mr Wright or Joe Wickes.

Enjoy more great stories. You could try making up and writing a story of your own.  Think about some amazing characters; do they have any super powers? What do they look like?

Here’s one of my favourites.

You could plan a teddy bear’s picnic and plan a menu.

What would you make them to eat?  You could draw your picnic food on a plate and label it.


Why not colour by numbers


Or a crossword…


Or if you want a real challenge a Teddy Bears Picnic Sudoku!


Have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend.

Remember for next week, winter uniform please, as we have to have the windows and doors open for ventilation. Jumpers and cardigans will be needed too and a winters coat. Come in your PE kits (with gloves and hats if it’s cold) on a Wednesday and Friday.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner





Tiger Class – Home learning – Friday 5th March

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe for our last Zoom call (Yey!), at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

We would like all Tigers to complete a “Back to School Feelings Jigsaw”, for us to use in a PSHE activity on Monday: Back to school feelings jigsaw

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:

Maths – Geometry: Properties of Shape – Two lessons today, but they are very similar.

Video lesson 1: Make patterns with 2D shapes

Worksheet 1: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO7-Make-patterns-with-2D-shapes

Video lesson 2: Make patterns with 3D shapes

Worksheet 2: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO12-Make-patterns-with-3D-shapes

Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)

No English lesson, as children can use that time to complete their “Feelings Puzzle” instead.

Maths – Measurement: Length and perimeter – There’s no video lesson today, as it’s time for our end of unit revision tasks: Y3-HL-Spring-Block-4-Length-and-perimeter

No English lesson, as children can use that time to complete their “Feelings Puzzle” instead.

All Tigers

Our usual Times Tables Test and weekly spellings test will resume next week, when all children are back at School. We will complete these tests on Monday 8th March.

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Thursday 4th March

Hi Pandas

It’s World Book Day!!! – Is any one dressing up today as their favourite character from a book? Go for it! You may want to wear your pants on top of your clothes to match our story today!

I found this article really interesting ‘why we should turn on the subtitles’

Phonics – follow your schedule.

Reading – enjoy your books, especially on World Book Day.


Enjoy this book – Aliens Love Underpants!

There are more stories available on line too, if you wanted another one.

Then, thinking about your favourite alien, either from the book or one of your own, draw the alien and give it some colour; add lots of detail.  What will it look like? How many arms, legs, heads and other more unusual features will it have? Don’t forget a special pair of underpants will be needed!

Once you have created your alien, think about and write a full description of it. Rehearsing, out loud, what you want to write before you write it; say the sentence lots of times before you write, so that you know what you’re writing. Have a think about your letter formation and neatness; is it your best work?

Have a go at these home learning challenges.


Here is an activity for you to create your own book mark, for all of that wonderful reading.


If you still have any time left, how about having a go at some of these activities?


Reception – Here is a counting sheet, you may spot somethings from the story…


Year 1 – I have added some handwriting sheets of some of your spellings.  Try to do your neatest handwriting.


Have lots of fun with your favourite stories.

Have a great ‘book’ day.

Mandy Turner


Ventilation in School – Appropriate School Clothing

As I sure you are aware, having a good source of ventilation around the school building is a massive part of our Covid 19 School Plan.

Although we have been lucky with the weather recently, it is still extremely cold at times and this does affect the temperature in the building.

Please can we ask that your child attends school in their winter uniform, and brings a warm coat with them every day.

Tiger Class special World Book Day plans – for Thursday 4th March

Since today is a special day, we are “off-timetable” and have planned different activities to celebrate World Book Day!

This year’s theme is “Share a Story”, so we have lots of opportunities for you to share a story you love and listen to lots of other people doing the same. Please see below our links, tasks, and suggested timetable for the day:

Please note that the whole point of the day is for it to be fun and for children to have a chance to enjoy their stories, so all suggestions below are optional and you are not expected to complete or submit any work – although I will love to receive any photos, as always.

Start your day by dressing up as a favourite character and choosing a book to share with the class, ready for our Zoom calls. Maybe also check out the World Book Day official song with MC Grammar: https://www.worldbookday.com/mc-grammar/

9.30 am: Y2 Zoom call with Mrs Crowe and Tiger Class

10 am: Y3 Zoom call with Mrs Crowe and Tiger Class

10.30 am: “Share a Story Live – Bringing reading to life”, with Tom Fletcher, Joseph Coelho, Fiona Lumbers and Lydia Monks: https://www.worldbookday.com/event/words-pictures-bring-reading-to-life/

11.30 am: BBC Bitesize World Book Day Live Lesson, with Ben Shire: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/live-lessons/world-book-day-2021-live-lesson/z2thm39 – there’s also an activity sheet to accompany this lesson: WorldBookDay2021LL-Activity-Sheet_final

For the rest of the day, there are a variety of videos and activities you can complete.

Mrs Byrne has prepared a lovely presentation, packed with activities specially for Tiger Class. That’s available on Class Dojo.

World Book Day Author and Illustrator Academy masterclasses: https://www.worldbookday.com/online-masterclasses/

BBC Bringing books to life 1 – An adventure into the world of children’s literature as celebrity presenters share what they love about their favourite books, with animations that bring the stories to life: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks1–ks2-bringing-books-to-life/zvg4xyc

BBC Bringing books to life 2 – Including one of our Class reads for this half-term, “Cosmic”https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks1–ks2-bringing-books-to-life/zrvm382

BBC Tales from Around the World – A series of short animated short films based on folktales from around the world. It includes stories from Brazil, India, Israel, Iraq, Pakistan and Nigeria: https://www.bbc.co.uk/teach/class-clips-video/english-ks1-tales-from-around-the-world/zmybnrd

World Book Day Scavenger Hunt



KS1 World Book Day Design Finger Puppets Activity Sheet

World Book Day Character Description Activity Sheets



You can also have a peep at the books you can choose from to swap for your WBD voucher: https://www.worldbookday.com/books/

Hope you have a wonderful World Book Day!

Keep reading! 🙂