Nursery Opening Times

Please can parents note that Nursery opening time is 8:55am. Please either wait at the gate by Panda Class entrance or by the main nursery door. A member of Nursery staff will collect your child from either of these entrances.

The doors will remain locked until this time.

We appreciate your support with this.

Myddle School Building Work

For many years we have been on a waiting list for the funding to have some important improvements made to our school entrance, and we are finally at the top of the list!

The work will start shortly before half term and continue for approximately 8 weeks.

What is being done?

Our school main entrance and admin office is being moved into the old kitchen. This will mean our families and visitors do not have to walk throught the car park to get into school, which is safer. This new area will also contain an entrance lobby, waiting area and an extra room for children to use for group work.

How will this affect you?

The Jaguar class will need to come into school through the double doors into the corridor (the same as Tiger class do) while the work is being carried out. This is because the builders will be making a secure area to work in and sealing off the pathway so that it can’t be accessed by children. Their first job will be to make one of the existing kitchen windows into a door way and remove some of the perimeter fencing so that they can get equipment in and out. This will eventually be the new main school entrance. The rest of the school will be unaffected and the kitchen will be sealed off from the inside.

We will let you know when we have an exact date for the work to start, as there may be extra vehicles on site and a loss of parking spaces on the grass verge near the bin store. We would appreciate it if parents could avoid our staff car park, verge and driveway when you drop off and collect for Little Angels please.  You are encouraged to use the village hall opposite.

Thank you.

Myddle Muddle 2023

We are excited to announce the provisional date for next year’s event…….

If you fancy taking part, you have loads of time to get training. If you are able to help with the preparation of this event please either speak to Mrs Cathy Cooke, Event Organiser or Mrs Smith, School Administrator.


Celebration Assembly – 7th October

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Harry
Rhino -Rose
Tiger – Charlie
Panda -Hugo
Snow Leopards – Nieve

Mathematician of the Week: Lucy, Blake, Poppy & Hattie

Reader of the Week: Jack P, Ruby P, Florence & Sonny

Writer of the Week: Amber W, Dylan, Sebastian & Amber F

Handwriters of the Week: Jess, Bertie & Ivy

Sports Star of the Week: Amelia, Mia & Mylah

BEAM – Return of Saturday Drop-Ins


Our service has returned back to a ‘Drop in’ sessions and no appointment is needed, you can come along and be seen by an Emotional Health & Wellbeing Practitioner on the days below

  • Monday ‘Drop Ins’ – 12-4pm (last session 3.15pm) at The Lantern, Meadow Farm Drive, Shrewsbury, SY1 4NG
  • Tuesday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10–6pm (last session 5.15pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP
  • Thursday ‘Drop Ins’ – 10am–6pm (last session 5.15pm) at Beam, 9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP .
  • Saturdays ‘Drop Ins – 10am- 2pm (Last session 13:15pm) at Beam  9 Market Square, Wellington, TF1 1BP .  STARTING 22ND OCT 2022

If you are unable to attend any of our ‘drop ins’ please email us outlining the difficulties you will have in attending and we may be able to offer a virtual session, however these are of limited availability. Please reply to this email within 5 days to be considered for this, if we do not hear from you we will look forward to seeing you at our drop in.


School Office Closed

The school office is closed this afternoon, 4th October.

If you need to speak to a member of staff please ring Baschurch School on 01939 260443

Celebration Assembly – 30th September

Star of the Week 

Jaguar – Megan

Rhino – Bradley

Tiger – Owen

Panda – Ava

Snow Leopards – Isla


Mathematician of the Week 

Jaguar – Harry

Rhino – Freddie

Tiger – Aria

Panda – Lilly


Writer of the Week

Jaguar – Charley

Rhino – Caspar

Tiger – Olivia

Panda – Hattie


Handwritters of the Week

Jaguar – Josh

Rhino – Bertie

Tiger – Alfie


Reader of the Week

Jaguar – Nerissa

Rhino – Ewan

Tiger – Will Penney

Panda – Ivy Jones


Sports Star of the Week

Jaguar – Jamie

Rhino – Sienna

Tiger – Rhys

Panda – Anya


Our Autumn Term Parents Evenings will be taking place on Tuesday 18th October and Thursday 20th October.

To book an appointment, you will need to visit the “Parents’ Area” on our school website (once the booking system has gone live) and choose the appropriate class.  Once you have booked your appointment, you should receive a confirmation email.  We will let you know via the school website once the booking system has gone live. All appointments will then be made on a ‘first come first served’ basis.

These meetings are very important as the teachers will discuss how your child is progressing and how we can work together to support them further. If you have any questions, please contact the school office. We look forward to seeing you!

KS2 Football – 30th September -IMPORTANT MESSAGE

Dear Parents/Carers

Afterschool football for KS2 is taking place tonight and the sessions WILL be taking place outside regardless of the rain.

If you have waterproof clothing that you can pop into school by 3pm today, we will pass this to your child for them to wear. If you would prefer to collect your child and for them NOT take part, please collect them at the end of school day, at the normal time.

We will endeavour to keep clubs going regardless of the weather and obviously if it is still safe to do so.

If your child attends a club which is normally held outside, i.e., football, Tennis, Gardening Club, please send them with waterproof clothing going forward.

Many Thanks for your support




Please can we ask that ALL parents check their child’s hair as we have had another report of head-lice in school. If any evidence of an infestation is located please treat it appropriately.

Please can we also ask that long hair is tied back in a pony tail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834