Celebration Assembly – 25th November

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Brooke
Rhino -Archie
Tiger -Beau
Panda -Amelia & Millie
Snow Leopards – Tayla

Mathematician of the Week: Amelia W, Ewan, Florence & Hazel

Writer of the Week: Imogen, Peter, Charlie & Thomas G

Readers of the Week: Charley, Jayden, Rhys & Hugh

Handwriters of the Week: Megan, Blake & Grace P

Sports Star of the Week: Siena W, Sarah & Millie



PTA Plea – Blue Bags

Your beautiful children should have come home tonight with a blue plastic bag which should have a note from the PTA attached. The PTA are looking for items such as pens, pencils, notebooks, stickers, wrapped sweets, the list goes on!!

This collection is for the Christmas Fayre which is taking place on the 4th December between 12pm – 4pm. If you are available pop down.

The PTA have asked that the filled bags be returned to school by Tuesday 29th November. These can be handed to Mrs Smith or Mrs Stanley.

“Beauty and the Beast” Panto Payment Reminder

Please can all outstanding payments for the Panto on the 6th December, Theatre Severn be made via School Gateway by the end of the school day on Friday 25th November.

If you have any questions please ring the school office.

Christmas Lunches – Return Slips by Friday 25th Nov

Please can all Christmas lunch slips be returned to school by Friday morning (25th Nov).

There will be NO other options i.e. Jacket potatoes, grab bags,  available on the 7th December so its REALLY important that if you dont order a lunch through school, you will need to provide your child with a packed lunch from home.

If you have any questions or have misplaced your slip, please either ring the school office on 01939 290834 or drop us an email on admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk


Poppy Appeal – Thank you 😊

A huge thank you to everyone who sent in donations towards The Royal British Legion’s Poppy Appeal. This year we raised a fantastic £154.96!


School Photo Orders!

Dear Parents,

Have you ordered your school photos yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Sunday 27th November 2022.  Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.uk 

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).

Many thanks,


Children in Need 2022

What a SPOTacular day we have had!  Thank you to everyone that has donated, whether it be through our JustGiving Page, or by sending your child in with money as a donation or to spend on our Pudsey committee’s games today.

Our grand total raised is £193.05!


Celebration Assembly – 18th November

Star of the Week :

Jaguar -Josh
Rhino -Eve
Tiger – Ivy
Panda -Sonny
Snow Leopards – Nieve

Mathematician of the Week: Evan, Bradley L, Josh B & Anya

Writer of the Week: Jamie, William D, William Pe & Sofia

Handwriters of the Week: Emily P & Dylan

Sports Star of the Week: Immy C, Charlotte, Poppy & Amber F



School Office Closed – Thursday 17th November

The school office is closed today, Thursday 17th November.

If you need to speak to someone urgently, please contact Baschurch Primary School, where you will be able to speak to Emily. Thank you.

Baschurch Primary – 01939 260443 or admin@baschurch.shropshire.sch.uk

Gardening Club Update

On Saturday, 12th November something wonderful happened!

The PTA and several parents & children helped to create 3 brand new raised beds, new borders, planted with Spring bulbs AND had a good tidy up in Forest School and around the play ground.

The gardening club have been active since winning first place, for the children’s entry of the Shrewsbury Flower Show.  The new raised beds will be used by the children to enhance their learning and will be an essential resource to further develop the schools gardening club.

Non of this would be possible if it were not for the PTA, parents of school and nursery and children all volunteering and, giving not only their time but some wonderful donations too – lots of timber and compost for the raised beds and some seeds .

A huge thank you to everyone concerned!

Mrs Turner