Harvest Festival Hamper Donations

Dear Parents/Carers

As the Harvest Festival is ONLY next week!

We are urgently looking for donations of goods to make up hampers which we can raffle off at the service to parents. These items can be either food or drink produce which you feel would be appropriate and that you, as a parents would like to win if yours was the lucky ticket.

Please can all donations be passed to the school office and Elaine Downes, PTA Chair has kindly offered to make the hampers up.

School Council pupils will be located on the entrance to school with their raffle tickets to sell and they will also be on sale at the Harvest Festival also. They are £1 a ticket.

All monies raised from this raffle will be donated to a local homeless charity based in Shrewsbury, who have advised school that the donation of cash would be more beneficial to help them purchase items like sleeping bags.

If you have any questions please pop in to school and speak to Mr Glover or Mrs Smith.

Thank you in advance

Collecting and Dropping Off Information/Clarification

Dear Parents/Carers

Please see below the times/procedure for morning drop off & registration.

  • Gates open at 8:45am
  • Morning Registration takes place between 8:45am and 9am, please can we ask you aim to get your child into school for 8:55am at the latest.
  • Gates are closed at 9am
  • If you arrive after 9am, please bring your child to the main reception and sign them in. Your child will be marked down as being late for morning registration.
  • All late marks are monitored by the Education Welfare Officer on a termly basis and takes any necessary action which is required.

Please can we also ask that as the weather is changing and becoming colder that ALL children arrive to school with a coat.

We would also ask that at the end of the school day, children are encouraged by their parents to not use the play equipment. During the school day these areas are monitor closely by staff members but this is not the case at the end of the school day and we are concerned that pupils may get hurt.

Thank you for your continued support.



Celebration Assembly – 27th September

Star Pupils

Panda: Harry-Jai

Tiger: Ben C

Rhino: Esme H

Jaguar:  Daniel D

Writer of the week: Nelly M

Reader of the week: Charlotte D

Handwriter of the week: Luca L

Winners of Scruffy:  Rhino


Special Mention to Chloe W & Megan B who starred in Madagascar at Theatre Severn at the weekend, Well Done Girls!!


Guitar Lessons

Dear Parents/Carer

Mr Rickard has moved the weekly Guitar sessions from Thursday to Wednesday morning.

Please can those pupils who have lessons with him please bring their guitars in to school on Wednesday’s instead.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith


Big Thank you!!

We would like to thank everyone who attended, baked, and ate all of the lovely cakes on Friday for our MacMillan Coffee Morning. You helped us raise a massive £121.01 for this amazing charity which is amazing. Special thanks to Jodie Phillips, Nursery Lead who organised this event for us and did an fantastic job.

We would also like to thank Mr Savage, dad of Blake, who came into school at the weekend and helped to tidy up the forest school area. This area has become very overgrown and needed some attention. Fingers crossed we will be able to use this area again very soon. THANK YOU MR SAVAGE.

MacMillan Coffee Morning – Friday 27th September

We would like to invite parents to attend this event which is taking part in the Nursery on Friday from 9:15am until 10:45am. Everyone Welcome!!!!

If you would be able to bake a cake for this event, we would be very grateful of any donations!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Smith or Jodie in Nursery.


Celebration Assembly 13th September 2019

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Hattie M

Panda: Aria

Tiger: Sarah E-M

Rhino: Ariana & Maisie

Jaguar:  Malachai & Bethany

Mathematician of the week:  Alfie W

Writer of the week: Alex F

Handwriter of the week: Amy C

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards


Young Voices 2019

Further to the letters sent home this week.

Please find attached the forms for ordering parents tickets and t-shirts. If you are unable to print these off please let me know and I will send home a hard-copy with your child.


Miss SmithT shirt order form Ticket order form


PTA Coffee Morning *** Thursday 5th Sept -9am ****


The PTA are holding their first Coffee Morning of the term tomorrow!! Please come along for a drink and CAKE!!!!!!! 9am onwards in the school hall.

Look forward to seeing you



Sale of the “Thumper Tower”

As you will be aware the “Thumper Tower” has been out of action for sometime now,  this is due to the volume of injuries to our pupils on this apparatus and it showing signs of wear and tear. The decision has been made to remove it.

We are also conscious that the rest of the play equipment is looking a tired and other parts also not suitable for the children to play on. With this in mind, the thumper tower has been placed on EBAY to sell and any funds raised from the sale will be used to improve/mend the rest of the play equipment. This sale is being dealt with independently but if you would be interested in making a bid please do not hesitate to have a look. The item reference number is 273993770081.

If you have any questions regarding the sale item please contact the seller directly.


Mrs Smith