Year 6 Secondary School Transfers – DEADLINE 31st October

Dear Parent/Carers

We have been asked to remind Year 6 parents that the ALL primary to secondary applications need to be completed by 31st October 2019.

Please note below the information received regarding late applications and the application deadline.

Please be aware that all primary to secondary transfer applications received after 31 October 2019 will be treated as late and will only be considered after all on-time applications have been processed (at which point the preferred school may be full).  There will be no period of grace for paper applications to be submitted.  The only exception to this is for parents who can evidence that they have moved house between 31 October 2019 and 3 February 2020. Please also note that the national closing date falls in the half-term holiday when schools will be closed and if parents leave it until the last moment, there may be no one available to assist them with their application.

Polite Reminder

Please can the reply slips and payments for the upcoming Flaxmill & Liverpool trips be sent to school ASAP.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith


It has come to our attention that we may have some unwelcome visitors in school. Please can we ask that long hair is placed in a ponytail. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice. For more information, please follow the link:

Harvest Festival

Many Thanks to everyone who attended the service yesterday for Harvest Festival. It was well supported and the kids had a great time.

Massive THANK YOU to the PTA who provided and served the refreshments at the service and for also pulling together all of the kind parent donations for the raffle. The raffle raised an amazing £210.03 which will be donated to The Shrewsbury Ark Charity which supports the homeless in Shrewsbury.

SUNSET update

We are so sorry for the distress that has been caused to some of you at the prospect of Sunset club having to close from half term.  However, we are really happy to be able to say that a parent with the required qualifications has come forward today and offered to take on the role. We now need to meet with HR and existing staff and get the relevant paperwork in place. If this goes smoothly, we would be able to continue Sunset as it is now. The additional clubs we offered would also still begin after half term to give you more choice.

Closing Sunset is not something we want to do at all and I hope you can appreciate that there are confidential matters and circumstances that we deal with in school that we  can’t always inform parents of. We are so lucky that we have a supportive school community who pull together at times like this and we are really grateful for all the help and ideas that have come forward today.

Sunset Club Letter – IMPORTANT

Dear Parent/Carer

Please ensure you check your child’s school bag as an important letter regarding the sunset club has been given out to all pupils today.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 4th October

Star Pupils

Sow Leopard : Beau L

Panda: Charlie C

Tiger: Ruby D

Rhino: Brooke G

Jaguar:  Cassie S

Mathematician of the week: Sebastian M

Writer of the week: Abigail P

Reader of the week: Lucy H

Handwriter of the week: Malachai H

Winners of Scruffy:  Panda and Tiger Class


Lost Property – Watch

If your child has lost a watch please come and see Mrs Smith, School Office


Raffle Tickets on Sale

Raffle tickets will be on sale tomorrow and Monday at drop off and pick up! £1 a ticket for the Harvest Hamper!!