Today, Friday 15th Nov, is the last day to hand in your Christmas card orders.

If you are still to hand them in, please can this be done at pick-up tonight!!!!


Guitar Lessons

Mr Rickard did not attend school today due to illness.

I will speak to him regarding making up this session.

Mrs Smith

Christmas Card Orders -DEADLINE

Please can all Christmas card orders be returned to the school office by the end of school on Friday 15th November.

School Photographs

Please can all school photograph orders be returned to the school office by the end of the school day on Thursday, 21st November.

*****School Meals Menu change*******

Please note below the changes to the menu for the 20th & 21st November.

Wednesday 20th:-
veggie sausage

Thursday 21st:-
Roast chicken
Cheese Pasty
wraps/Jkts Available

If you have any questions please speak to Sara Russell 🙂

Celebration Assembly – Friday 8th November

Star Pupils

Panda: Sebastian M

Tiger: Dylan W

Rhino: Alex F

Jaguar:  Isla C

Mathematician of the week:  Elizabeth D

Writer of the week: Connor F

Reader of the week:  Oliver G

Handwriter of the week: Alissa-Mae G

Winners of Scruffy:  Tigers

Special Mention to the 28 children who represented the school at this week’s Cross Country  Event at The Corbet. Fantastic effort and Good Luck for the next race on Wednesday 13th.

Children in Need Friday 15th November – Duck Race and PJ’s day

Ducks are on sale at the beginning and end of the school day at a cost of £2 per duck!!

Pupils are can pick from the set list the name of the duck they like. The Duck Race takes place live on TV on Friday. ALL monies raised for this will go to Children in need and the winners will receive a prize.




Singing Club – Tuesday 12th November

As Rhino class is out all day on Tuesday 12th on their Chester trip, we will have to cancel this session of the after school Singing Club with Mr Lewin.

We will squeeze in another session later in December to make up for this missed session.


Remembrance Day 11th November

We will be going up to Church on Monday to observe the two minutes silence at 11am. Please can we ask that you ensure your child has their coat with them as it will be cold and they will be standing outside.

If you would like to join us please feel free to come along to the Church and meet us there.

The school council be selling poppies and other items which the Royal British Legion have supplied to school from tomorrow, Thursday 7th Nov. Each child will be able to purchase ONE item at a cost of 50p. If you would like your child to take part and purchase an item please send them with 50p ONLY.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Smith on 01939 290834.