All pupils in PE kits tomorrow – 11th May

Please can you send your child in their PE kit tomorrow, Tuesday 11th May. Each class is taking part in tennis sessions during the day.

Sorry for the confusion this has caused.

Open Event -Friday 14th May – Baschurch Tennis Club


Collection at home time!

If you are not able to collect your child at the end of the day and have made arrangements with another person/parent to collect your child. Please can we ask that you give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834, she will pass this message on to the class teacher.


Parking Issues

We have had concerns raised by residents regarding parents parking outside school and in the entrance to Eagle Farm Close, opposite school.

Please can we ask that parents use either the layby outside school, the village hall carpark or the Red Lion pub car park for pick up and drop offs.

We want residents, parents and the children to remain safe and if we all work together and avoid parking anywhere other than the three places mentioned above, we will hopefully achieve this.

School staff will be monitoring this situation and asking parents to move their cars if they are causing an obstruction.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring school on 01939 290834


Celebration Assembly -30th April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Nia & Sophie Ca
Rhino – Imogen
Tiger – Bertie
Panda -Poppy

Mathematician of the Week: Holly T, Harry, Sienna, Imogen B

Reader of the Week: Daniel D, Leo, Ruby P & Oliver G

Writer of the Week: Esme, Sorrel & Odin

Hand writers of the Week: Ariana, Abi & Eve

Well Done Everyone!!

Sun Hats & Sun Screen

As the weather is starting to improve and we getting more opportunities to be outside, please can we ask that you send your child to school with a sun hat that they can wear outside.

Children sunscreen is also recommended as an extra sun protection but this MUST be applied by parents before your child comes to school.

We will be mindful of the amount time that the children are out in the sun.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith


Thank you

A massive “THANK YOU” to the Munn family who very kindly came into school during the Easter Holidays to paint the school sheds.

We are so very grateful to you, they look brilliant!!



Afterschool Sports Sessions

We have had to change the day that the Afterschool Sports Sessions will be taking place. We will now be running these clubs after school on a Wednesday rather than a Friday. Please make a note of the new dates for your child’s three sessions.

Jaguar Class – 21st, 28th April & 5th May
Rhino Class – 12th, 19th & 26th May
Tiger Class – 9th, 16th & 23rd June
Panda Class – 30th June, 7th & 14th July

Thank you to everyone who has returned their slips and paid for their afterschool sessions, there is still time if you would like your child to take part and the letter with all of the details is attached.

Wright Way Afterschool April 21

PTA Easter Colouring Competition

Thank you so much to all of the children for their eggcellent entries for the PTA competition. We were eggtremely impressed with the detail and all of their hardwork.

Mrs Knight, School Business Manager, was our eggxpert judge and picked an entry from each class! Mrs Williams was so eggxcited to present the prizes to each winner.

We would like to thank our amazing PTA who have made sure that every child went home with an Easter Egg and supplied the prizes for the colouring competition.

Have an amazing Easter and see you all on the 19th.

Celebration Assembly – 1st April

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Cameron & Sophie Ca
Rhino – Imogen
Tiger – Isaac
Panda -Bradley

Mathematician of the Week: Isobel, Sam, Ryan, Fraser & William Pe

Reader of the Week: Holly H, Megan, Ben & Steven

Writer of the Week: Heidi, Amber, Ewan & Olivia PN

Hand writers of the Week: Sophie Co, Abi, Riley & Aria

Well Done Everyone

Happy Easter !!