Christmas Fayre Raffle Tickets

Each child will be bringing home a book of raffle tickets tonight for the Christmas Fayre which is taking place on Saturday 11th December.

The PTA would like as much help as possible selling these tickets so please ask family and friends for their support.

You will also receive a separate list of all of the AMAZING prizes that the PTA have worked tirelessly to get for the fayre.

Please do you best to support this event and sell, sell, sell!!!

Celebration Assembly – 12th November

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Imogen and Alex
Rhino – Ruby
Tiger – Owen
Panda – Hazel
Snow Leopards – Isla

Mathematician of the Week: Blake, Cass, Francesca, Caspar & Bradley

Reader of the Week: Charley, Charlie H, Aria & Sofia

Writer of the Week: Jayden, Sebastian & Olivia

Hand writers of the Week: Nerissa, Peter, Mia & Rhiannon


We have made the difficult decision that we will not be going to see the Panto this year.

We are planning activities for the children in school with the support of the PTA instead.


Afterschool Football Payments

Gentle Reminder – Can all payment for the football clubs be made via School Gateway by the 12th November please. The cost is £10.00 per pupil

School Photographs

Please can all order forms & payments for the school photographs be returned to school by the end of the school day on Monday 15th November.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Smith

Wednesday Football Club – Girls

Connor has suggested that it might be better if the girls bring separate jumper and jogging bottoms to change into for the afterschool sessions. We have had children going home in very muddy school jumpers tonight!


COVID- 19- Helpful Guidance

Following from our recent positive case in Rhino Class, I thought it would be helpful to share a couple of points from the Local Authority guidance which might assist you when you book a PCR test when your child has no symptoms and also the guidance and timing of the 10 day isolation period.

If you are booking your child in for a PCR Test having been encouraged by school, you need to use the option marked on the attached document, this will allow a PCR test to be booked with no symptoms.


If your child tests positive for COVID-19, they will be required to complete the 10 days isolation period, the details of how this is calculated can be seen below. Please also note that if your child is still unwell OR still has a temperature when they have completed their isolation period, they must NOT return to school.


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Mrs Smith

Menu Change – 10th November

There is a change to the menu for Wednesday 10th November. The children will be offered Chicken instead of the advertised Roast Beef.

Apologises for this change.

Positive Case – Rhino Class

We have had a confirmed case of COVID-19 in Rhino Class.

We would encourage everyone in this Class to book a PCR test as soon as possible. Please note a Lateral Flow test is not acceptable for those classed as close contacts.

Please do not send your child in to school if they have any COVID-19 symptoms. If you have any questions please refer to the local authority guidance which was sent home on the 15th October and posted on the school website on the 4th October. A key point in this guidance is that your child cannot come to school if there is a positive case in your household.

Poppy Appeal 2021

Don’t forget poppies and other items from The Royal British Legion will be available for the children to purchase from tomorrow, 8th.

Please see the post from the 4th November for full details.