Yr 6 Parents – Important Information from The Corbet

Dear Parents/Carers

Please find attached several documents from The Corbet for your attention.

Please ensure you read the part about Yr 7 starting day as they do NOT start on the 2nd September with everyone else. They start on Thursday 3rd September.


Mrs Smith

Summer Wellbeing Booklet September2020SchoolReopeningParents Shropshire Council & Corbet School – joint press release 14.07.2020 CV letter to parents 14.07.2020 Mental health and wellbeing support for children and staff

A Special Message for Year 6

Here is a special message to our amazing Year 6 pupils from all the staff at Myddle.


Outstanding School Meals & Sunrise/Sunset Arrears

Dear Parents/Carers

We have several parents who have arrears for their child school dinners and sunrise/sunset clubs

Please can we ask that ALL arrears are cleared by Friday 17th July at the latest.

If you are unsure of the amount you owe or have any concerns regarding the payment, please give the school office a ring on 01939 290834.


Mrs Smith

******Important Information – Arrangements for September ******

Dear Parents/Carers

Please see the attached letter regarding returning to school in September.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ring school on 01939 290834.


Mrs Smith

Myddle return.docx

Year 6 Zoom Leavers Service Tomorrow 12:00

Year 6 Virtual Leaver’s Service

Wednesday 15th July 12:00 noon

Meeting ID:  827 9518 6645

Meeting password: 3J4miJ

url: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82795186645?pwd=RlpyWGRIQ1RWQTlrM2tQa2ZWU0hKdz09

Order of Service

Welcome – Mrs Williams

Our  Memories – each of our year 6 have recorded a special video of their memories

Our Journey from Reception to Year 6 – a photographic extravaganza

Presentation, including Jubilee Board winner – Mrs Williams

Special message –  Toby Smith

Goodbye from all the Staff at Myddle Primary – a special video to you all

Prayer – Bethany Williams

Blessing – Reverend Clayton

Finale – That’s Not My Jumper!


Zoom Protocols:

Please log on 5 minutes before meeting to check your sound and visuals.

Please keep yourself on MUTE as it helps the audio of the person speaking.

Please do not take part from a bedroom or bathroom.

If you want to speak, please use the Chat facility to make a request and we can unmute you.

Please be polite and sensible in the chat box as there will be a wide audience.

If you are watching as part of the wider school community, please join without sound or video so that you can just watch. It will then make it easier for us to see the year 6s during the service.






Yr 6 Pupils – Lunches – Monday & Tuesday

Please can all Year 6 parents ensure that they send the money for Monday and Tuesday lunches before we finish for the summer holidays. This will be £4.40 in total.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Rhino Daily Challenge -Space Rockets

Today’s daily challenge is to discover how rockets get into space. Below is a link to the BBC bitesize website where there are 3 educational videos to watch and 2 activities to complete.

BBC bitesize – Space

Have fun….

*****Outstanding Invoices for Extended Schools/Sunrise & Sunset Club*******

Please can we ask that all outstanding invoices be paid before the end of term, Thursday 16th July via the school’s gateway payment service.

If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact Mrs Smith on 01939 290834 or admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk


Rhino Class – Learning Project WEEK 14 (13th July- 17th July) – Space


Well, I cannot believe that this is the final week of not just the term, but the school year. I must say, this has been one of the most challenging and strange school years I have ever experienced and really do hope that things will return to normal very soon. It has certainly been a challenge to provide work on line for all to access as well as support children in the classroom at the same time.

Therefore, I would like to pass on my gratitude to all of you for the way you have supported your children’s learning at home during this time. It has been wonderful see all the learning that has been completed and I know a number of children have really flourished and progressed well with the amount of support they have been receiving at home. Thank you so much for all your efforts.

I wish you all a restful and safe summer holiday. I certainly think this year we have all earned it.

So for the final time this year, here are all the links for this week’s learning. As well as completing some of these activities, it is important to read daily and practise your x tables as much as possible.

Please click on the link below to access the Rhino Class Learning Project for this week:

Rhino Class Learning Project – Week 14- SPACE

This week’s project again includes weekly tasks for Maths, Reading, Writing and Spellings and a cross-curricular / topic project. All web links and instructions are included in the document. The timetable is just a suggestion and activities do not necessarily need to be completed in that order. However, try to complete as many of the tasks as you can during the week. 

Friday is a PD day at school, however I have included work for the Friday just in case your children fancy doing a full week of learning 😉

Use the links below for some Reading Comprehension Activities link to this week’s theme:

Buzz Aldrin Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

LKS2 Neil Armstrong Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

LKS2 Tim Peake Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

LKS2 Valentina Tereshkova Differentiated Reading Comprehension Activity

Comet Neowise,  is going to be visible with the naked eye from anywhere in the UK for the rest of July, astronomers say.

Formally named C/2020 F3 , the comet was first spotted by the NEOWISE space telescope on March 27 and will reach its closest point to Earth on July 23.

Can you spot it? What other information can you find about this comet?

Weekly spellings – please access the spellings to learn this week below. This week is week 6. Practise during the week with a test at the end of the week. Try putting the words into sentences too to ensure understanding of each word.

Year 3 Summer 2    Year 4 Summer 2

Please click on links below to access Year 3 and 4 Common Exception words and activities:

Year 3 and 4 Common Exception Words List

Year 3 and 4 Crosswords

Year 3 and 4 Word Searches

Year 3 and 4 Activity Cards

Year 3 and 4 Dictation Passages

To reinforce the spelling of common words, then please access the high frequency word resources below:

1st 100 High frequency words

2nd 200 High frequency words

Commonly misspelt words – word searches

It is also a good idea to try and write each word into a sentence to ensure understanding of each word and practise using capital letters and full stops.

For those that would like to focus on some writing skills, try the uplevelling sentences resources below:

Uplevelling simple sentences

BBC Bitesize have some great daily activities in a range of subjects. If you would like to have look and try out some of the activities, then follow the links below:

Year 3 BBC Bitesize

Year 4 BBC Bitesize

Oak National Academy has also put together some amazing resources to support learning at home. There are lessons to follow for each day of the week which can be accessed using the links below.

Year 3 – week 12   Year 4 – week 12

The academy is currently on week 12 of these resources but if you find them useful in supporting your child at home then you can also access weeks 1 – 11 by scrolling down the web page.

There are also some great maths lessons on the White Rose website.

Videos for week 12 can be accessed via the following links:

Year 3 Graphs  Year 4 Symmetry

Corresponding worksheets can be accessed here:

Year 3 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3   Lesson 4

Year 4 Lesson 1   Lesson 2   Lesson 3   Lesson 4

You can also try completing some arithmetic tests. They are great practise mental calculating: Have another go at these this week and I will upload some different examples next week.

Year 3: Test-1b  Test-2b  Test-3b  Test-4b  Test-5b  Test-6b

Year 4: Test-1b  Test-2b  Test-3b  Test-4b  Test-5b  Test-6b

Again, if you’re feeling like being energetic, then click on the link below for a daily workout from the body coach Joe Wicks. For now, three days a week, he will  stream a live 30 minute PE lesson for pupils access at home at 9 am. There are also a wealth of 5/10 min workouts specifically aimed at children which are great.

Joe Wicks – Workout Sessions

It was great last week to see so many examples of the work the children had completed as well as photos of them working, so if you like to share your child’s work with me (for rewards and feedback), again this can be done via the Class Dojo portfolio. As usual, if you have any queries, please continue to contact me via the Class Dojo app.

I will also set some daily challenges on a Tuesday and Thursday and send the link out via Class Dojo around 8am each day.

Kind regards and keep well

Mr Glover

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