Panda Class Home Learning Thursday 4th March

Hi Pandas

It’s World Book Day!!! – Is any one dressing up today as their favourite character from a book? Go for it! You may want to wear your pants on top of your clothes to match our story today!

I found this article really interesting ‘why we should turn on the subtitles’

Phonics – follow your schedule.

Reading – enjoy your books, especially on World Book Day.


Enjoy this book – Aliens Love Underpants!

There are more stories available on line too, if you wanted another one.

Then, thinking about your favourite alien, either from the book or one of your own, draw the alien and give it some colour; add lots of detail.  What will it look like? How many arms, legs, heads and other more unusual features will it have? Don’t forget a special pair of underpants will be needed!

Once you have created your alien, think about and write a full description of it. Rehearsing, out loud, what you want to write before you write it; say the sentence lots of times before you write, so that you know what you’re writing. Have a think about your letter formation and neatness; is it your best work?

Have a go at these home learning challenges.


Here is an activity for you to create your own book mark, for all of that wonderful reading.


If you still have any time left, how about having a go at some of these activities?


Reception – Here is a counting sheet, you may spot somethings from the story…


Year 1 – I have added some handwriting sheets of some of your spellings.  Try to do your neatest handwriting.


Have lots of fun with your favourite stories.

Have a great ‘book’ day.

Mandy Turner


Ventilation in School – Appropriate School Clothing

As I sure you are aware, having a good source of ventilation around the school building is a massive part of our Covid 19 School Plan.

Although we have been lucky with the weather recently, it is still extremely cold at times and this does affect the temperature in the building.

Please can we ask that your child attends school in their winter uniform, and brings a warm coat with them every day.

Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 4.3.21

It’s World Book Day, so today is going to be off our normal timetable so we can all have a bit of fun…. I really hope you have a great day.

Thank you to all of you that sent in your video and your clues. I’ve put a short video together for you to watch, so listen and watch very carefully. It’s not easy to guess, as you have all disguised your voices so well and your masks are brilliant.

I have also put together an answer sheet containing a picture of each masked reader and 3 clues linked to their true identity. Can you guess who each masked reader is?

The Masked Reader Clue Sheet

I will be hosting a zoom on Friday afternoon (1.15pm) to reveal who each masked reader is. For the meeting, have your masks ready to share so you can all reveal who you were. Have your guess sheet handy as well to see how many masked readers you got correct.

Today’s Task:

I thoroughly enjoyed listening to David Walliams talk about his book during the live assembly on Tuesday, which gave me an idea for a task for today.

One of the books he spoke about was called ‘Fing’

The story is about a girl called Myrtle Meek, who has everything…

But everything isn’t enough. She wants more, more, MORE! When Myrtle declares she wants a FING, there’s only one problem… What is a FING?

Mr and Mrs Meek will do anything to keep their darling daughter happy, even visit the spooky library vaults to delve into the dusty pages of the mysterious Monsterpedia. Their desperate quest leads to the depths of the jungliest jungle where the rarest creatures can be found. But will they ever find a FING?

Your task today is to design your very own ‘Fing’

Think about:

  • What does it look like?
  • How does it behave?
  • How would you look after it?
  • What is the best and worst thing about it?
  • What does it eat?
  • Where does it live?
  • What are some unusual facts about it?

Create a ‘double page spread’ for your ‘Fing’ giving as much information about it as possible.

Write a set of instructions for how to look after it as pet. Remember to include a warning if needed!

I really look forward to seeing what you create and it would be great to share these next week in class.

Have a great day



Panda class staff – update

Dear Pandas and panda parents,

We are so excited to have you all back on Monday in school. I just wanted to let you know that Mrs McGrath won’t be coming back as soon as we expected and you will still have Mrs Turner as your teacher for a few more weeks. Mrs McGrath is having an operation next week, then once she is fighting fit again, she will come back to Myddle, probably around Easter time.

We wish Mrs McGrath all the best for a speedy recovery.

See the source image

Rhino Home Learning – Wednesday 3.3.21

Good Morning,

I hope you had a god day yesterday.

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 15 Please read chapter  ‘Mixing the Dream’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16


Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy

Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:

Lesson 9 – Writing the first part of the opening

Activity 3:

Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Subtract from whole amounts’.

Video lesson

Y4 Spring Block 3 Subtract from whole amounts

Activity 4: Reading/Writing Activity

As a child I really enjoyed reading all the books written by Roald Dhal (and I still do now too!). One of my particular favourites was ‘Charlie and Chocolate Factory’. I also love the original film and so do both of my children.

Below are some fun activities linked to the story. You can choose which of the activities you would like to complete. You could even do them all if you like…..

Charley and The Chocolate Factory Activity Sheets

Below is the full version of the text if you find and read sections to help you as well as an audio version if you would prefer to listen to the all or parts of the story.

Full Text – Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Hope you have a good day

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 3rd March

Hi Pandas,

I hope you are having a good week.

Not long now until 8th March… I’m counting down the days!! I can’t wait to see you all.

Continue with Phonics as per the schedule.

Continue reading and enjoying those amazing books!

PE  With Joe Wicks or our own Mr Wright with TWWG ‘Move’ sessions on YouTube.

English  – All Pandas  Enjoy the story of Peace at Last by Jill Murphy.


After listening to the story encourage your child to say which parts of the story were their favourite parts and why they like them.  What happened to Mr Large? What was the problem? What were the noises?

Can you create a story map showing the different events that happen as Mr Large tries to get away from the noise to get some sleep.


I would choose Story Map B, from the one in the link.  Add the details from the story into the right areas, thinking carefully about what happened.

Encourage your child to retell the story from their story map – perhaps ‘reading’ it to a younger brother or sister or a favourite teddy.

Maths – All Pandas  (Year one,  continue with your Measures booklet, then have a go at these activities).Try estimating how long a minute lasts for.  Can you count to 60, does it take a minute?

What can you do in a minute? How many times can you write your name in a minute? Look at a clock, what time do you normally get up, eat breakfast, have lunch or get ready for bed?

Have a go at some of these activities to see how many you can do in a minute.


Mixing paint – Can explore what happens when you mix black and white paint together? Can you mix different shades of grey to paint an elephant with?

See if you can work out what colours would be created by mixing these colours together…


Can you find out some facts about elephants? Create a fact file for elephants.

You may want to try and draw an elephant of your own; then paint it.


As it is World Book Day tomorrow,  you might want to send me a picture of you and your favourite book. You might want to send me a video of you reading it!  If you’re feeling creative why not dress up as your favourite book character, or draw the character and decorate it.

I will be doing a Zoom session on Thursday at 1:30pm and I will read you one of my favourite books. I will send the link on Class Dojo.

Have a great Wednesday.

Mandy Turner


Rapid lateral flow testing for households and bubbles of school pupils and staff

Rapid lateral flow testing for households and bubbles of school pupils and staff

On Sunday 28 February, the Department of Health and Social Care announced that from Monday 1 March, households with primary school, secondary school and college age children, including childcare and support bubbles, can test themselves twice every week at home as schools return from Monday 8 March. Households, childcare and support bubbles of primary, secondary and college staff can also be tested. Twice-weekly testing will also be offered to adults working in the wider school community, including bus drivers and after school club leaders. The twice-weekly test kits can be accessed:

  • via employers if they offer testing to employees
  • at a local test site
  • by collecting a home test kit from a test site
  • by ordering a home test kit online

Schools should not give test kits to parents, carers or household members and should not order more test kits for this purpose. Letters containing advice on where to access testing will be made available for schools to share with parents and staff shortly.

This guidance provides information on who can be tested and how you can get a test.

Snow Leopards – World Book Day

World Book Day

Snow Leopards.

To celebrate World Book Day this year I thought we would focus on the story

‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’ By Judith Kerr

If you do not have this book you can find an interactive copy on YouTube. Encourage your child to listen carefully to the story, talk about the story once it has finished to see if your child can recall what happened.

Please, continue to read this story throughout the week and join us with some fun Tiger themed activities! – Has lots of stories and resources for you to use.
This is where some of our activities have come from.

~ Draw a picture of your own Tiger tea party on this bordered paper. (link below)
Tiger Tea page border

~ Use the word mat to notice familiar pictures/words from the book. See if your child can retell the stories using the word mat to prompt them. (link below)
Tiger Tea Word Mat

~ If the Tiger ate everything out of your house, what would you buy? (link below)
Draw your food on the shopping list
Shopping List

~ Have your very own tea party – invite some of your soft toys along
Take photos for us to see!

~ What was your favourite part of the story?
Parents if you could write down their favourite part and send it across via Dojo

~ Lastly, ‘If a teacher came for tea’ – if myself or Fran came for tea what would you feed us! Draw our feast on the plates (link below)
If a Teacher came for Tea

We hope you will join us and enjoy the story ‘The Tiger Who Came to Tea’. Let us see what you have been up to on Dojo, we look forward to seeing it.






Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 2nd March


I hope you are all well.

Phonics – Keep going you’re doing a great job!

Maths – Year 1 continue with your Mass booklet.

Reception – Try this home learning challenge.



English – All Pandas

We’ve had a letter Panda Class….


Dear Panda Class,


 I am the Evil Pea and I have been causing trouble with all of the other vegetables!  I’m going to rule the world and turn it green!


 I’ve heard you are trying to rescue the carrot, and set it free from the ice.  You will not be able to get the carrot out as I am the Evil Pea and I have frozen it solid!


 I am green and I am mean!


 From the Evil Pea!  

Don’t mess with me!

Today’s mission (or later in the week…) Panda Class is to set carrot free from the ice! And prove Evil Pea wrong! (Grown ups, if you didn’t manage to freeze a carrot in advance, or perhaps tape one down somewhere at home).

Create a plan of action – write notes to explain how you are going to free carrot.  How will you do it, what will you need? How will carrot be feeling? You could make a poster out of your plan.

Then, when you’ve set carrot free, write a letter back to the Evil Pea and tell him what you have managed to do! Explain that you have your own super powers; one of which is being helpful!

Good luck with your mission!

Enjoy this story about a Run away Pea! Its done through drama!

Have a lovely day.

Mandy Turner

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