Work Top

If anyone is in need of a length of work surface, we have one in school that is no longer being used and would prefer to rehome it than it be disposed of.

If you are interested and would like more details please give Mrs Smith a ring on 01939 290834

School Photo Orders – Last day to Order

Please can all orders and payments for school photographs be brought into school by the end of the school day on:


Any questions please do not hesitate to call school on 01939 290834

Celebration Assembly – 9th July

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Lilly
Rhino – Amelia W
Tiger – Grace S
Panda – Steven

Mathematician of the Week: Holly T, Nerissa, Odin & Harry-Jai

Reader of the Week: Zoe, Evan, Olivia C, Olivia P-N

Writer of the Week: Cass, Izzy R, Sienna & Ivy

Hand writers of the Week: Sophie Ca, Lucy & Freddie

Well Done Everyone and Have a great weekend!

Rhino Homework – 11.6.21

This week, Rhino class have finished their unit on time where their learning concentrated on converting between 12 and 24 hour time. Below is short activity to consolidate their learning in this area. Please ensure the children draw the hands on the analogue clock correctly, with the hour and minute hands appropriate length and with the hour hand in the correct position in relation to the number of minutes.

Time Converting

Don’t Forget- Class Photo’s

Don’t Forget- Class Photo’s are taking place today!



Afterschool Sports Sessions – Tiger Class

Rhino class will be taking part in their last afterschool sports session with Connor tomorrow, and when we return after half term it will be time for Tiger pupils to take part.

Tiger Class sessions are the 9th, 16th and 23rd June

Club starts at 3:15 and finishes at 4:15. The cost of all three sessions is £10. Payment to be made via School Gateway.

Its not too late to sign up for these Tiger sessions, please come to the school office and speak to Mrs Smith, who will arrange everything.

Bikeability Sessions

Please can Yr 6 pupils who are taking part in the bikeability sessions on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, bring a spare change of clothes and a waterproof coat. If you  have waterproof trousers please send these in as well.

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