Celebration Assembly – 17th September

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Sophie, Maisie & Alfie
Rhino – Jayden
Tiger – Aria
Panda – Tabitha Mo
Snow leopards – Tabitha Ma

Mathematician of the Week: Eloise, Blake, Connor, Freddie & Beau

Reader of the Week: Lucy, Peter, Blake, Josh

Writer of the Week: Lilly, Isy, Jamie, Charlotte & Amber

Hand writers of the Week: Dylan T, Nerissa, Riley & Alfie W

PTA meeting tonight POSTPONED

Tonight’s meeting has had to be postponed, the new date is:

Monday 27th September
The Red Lion, Myddle

Frog Club in Rhino Class

In Rhino class, we have introduced a maths programme called Frog Club in Rhino class.  This is an scheme that encourages children to have faster recall of number facts. The programme starts with the 10 club and goes through to 99 club and then onto Superstars Division and Superstars Fractions.

By learning these number facts, we really hope that this programme will help your child carry out calculations more easily as they learn to use and apply their knowledge.

Each week, on a Friday, the children will have 5 minutes to complete the test for the club they have been assigned. In order to move on to the next club, they must answer all questions correctly in the time.

Below is a list of all the clubs and the content covered in each.

You can help your child at home by practising fast recall of the number facts in each club.  Click on the link to access each test.


Rhino Homework – 17.9.21

This week, we have been learning about rounding to the nearest multiple of 10 and 100.

The worksheet is in the children’s homework book ready but if you need another copy please click on the tab below.

Rounding homework – 17.9.21

Updated COVID Guidance – Sept 2021

We would like to update you on the current guidelines we are following regarding Covid-19 and illness –
If your child is displaying any COVID symptoms (a high temperature, a new continuous cough or loss of sense of smell/taste) they must self-isolate for 10 days, or until a negative PCR test result has been received.


Any other household members or close contacts will not be required to self-isolate if any of the following apply:

  • they are fully vaccinated – fully vaccinated means that you have been vaccinated with an MHRA approved COVID-19 vaccine in the UK, and at least 14 days have passed since you received the recommended doses of that vaccine.
  • they are below the age of 18 years 6 months
  • they have taken part in or are currently part of an approved COVID-19 vaccine trial
  • they are not able to get vaccinated for medical reasons

In a nutshell, primary and secondary school children do not need to isolate if they have contact or live with a positive case, unless they develop symptoms or test positive themselves.

However under these circumstances, even if your child does not have symptoms, we would strongly advise that you take them for a PCR test. They do not have to isolate when waiting for the PCR result unless they have symptoms.

You can book a PCR test by calling 119 or by visiting www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test

Rapid lateral flow tests should not be used on children if they have symptoms, as these are only to be used when no symptoms are present. You must either book a PCR test or contact school for a home testing kit.

If your child is not displaying any of the above symptoms and is well enough to cope with a full day of school, they can come in.  If your child feels at all unwell before coming to school, please do not send them in. Usually we encourage children to ‘see how it goes’ but in the current circumstances we cannot allow this.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.

Thank you for your support.

Snow Leopards

Good Afternoon Snow Leopards,

We hope you all had a fantastic summer. The children have settled in well and have all had a busy first week back.

Here is some information about our Autumn term:

Class Dojo
If you haven’t already, please make sure you sign up to our Class Dojo. This will be the easiest way for us to communicate. Let me know if you have any problems and I will do my best to help.

Routine and Topic
I have attached a copy of our routine below.
daily routine1
We link our topic with Reception Class, so this term we will be focusing on ‘People who help us’
We have lots of fun activities planned and we cannot wait to share our pictures and creations with you all. We may need your help with a few of these activities so please keep your eye on Dojo for updates. An overview of the week ahead will also be added to Dojo so you can see what your child will be getting up too.

Celebration Assembly
Every Friday morning we will be joining the rest of the school in the hall for Celebration Assembly. We will be giving out stickers and certificates for our ‘Star of the Week’ and the child with ‘the most Dojo’s’

Extra Activities
We will be continuing with Music, PE and Exploring Outdoors this term.
Music with Fran – Tuesday 11am
PE with TWWG – Friday 9:30am
Exploring Outdoors with Jodie – Wednesday 11am

Please ensure your child is wearing suitable clothing and footwear on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Could you please ensure your child comes to nursery with:
1. Spare clothes – We do often get messy!
2. Nappies, wipes and cream
3. A water bottle
4. Suitable outdoor clothing – We do try and go outdoors in most weather conditions!

Jodie and Fran

MASSIVE Thank you

We would like to say a massive Thank you to the PTA who have purchased 8 new laptops for the children to use in school.

We are so grateful 🙂


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