Clubs Payments

All payments for clubs starting next week SHOULD now be showing on the school gateway.

If you have any questions or are struggling to see the club your child wants to attend, please give the school office a call on 01939 290834

Panda Class had a mystery visitor…

Panda Class had a special visitor on Thursday afternoon!

A Mystery Reader knocked on the door…

The children were so excited to find out who the Mystery Reader was this week.  They had a super story-teller and a great story choice.  The book chosen was Space Tortoise, by Ross Montgomery.  A big thank you to all involved.

Who will the Mystery Reader be next week?

Panda Class enjoyed World Book Day

Panda Class looked amazing for World Book Day.

Their costumes and wooden spoon characters were very imaginative. We all enjoyed finding out which books were their favourites and why.

Well done Panda Class!

Number Bots Maths Club 8th Feb

Please accept my apologies for the late notice but tonight’s number bots club finishing time has to be changed to 4pm. The club will start at 3pm so the children still get their alloted time.

If you are unable to collect your child at 4pm please give school  ring on 01939 290834.

Mrs Smith

Panda Class Science

Over the past few weeks children in Panda Class have been exploring the subject of ‘Animals Including Humans’. 

Year 1 have worked very hard to compare a range of animals, talking about their similarities and differences. Next, children investigated 5 different animal groups – mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish and birds.  Then, they had a look at animal diets, again, comparing what animals eat, and then discussing which animals are carnivores, omnivores or herbivores.

Reception joined in by discussing animals, and then made a range of different animal homes, according to the animals size and needs.  They used Dear Zoo as a starting point and were very busy constructing the homes and painting some wonderful animals too.

Next we will be exploring our senses, with a range of different investigations to find out more. .

Well done Panda Class


PTA Valentine Disco Thursday, 16th February- SAVE THE DATE

The PTA are looking to hold a disco for all year groups on Thursday, 16th February, starting at 17:30 and finishing at 19:00. Cost of this event will be £3 a ticket which will include a hotdog or vegetarian option. Please keep a look out for the PTA poster and details of how to buy a ticket. TICKETS NEED TO BE PURCHASED IN ADVANCE NOT ON THE NIGHT.


Arthog Parents Meeting – Thursday 2nd March

Mr Hughes will be holding a meeting for all parents of children going to Arthog in March.

This meeting will take place in school on Thursday, 2nd March at 3:20pm.

Mrs Smith

Shropshire Schools Half Marathon – ENTRY NOW CLOSED

The entries for the Shropshire Schools Half Marathon have now closed. We are unable to accept any further entries.

This event is ran by an outside organisation and we have to submit the numbers strictly to their deadlines.

Apologises if your child has missed out on this occasion, we will be looking to take part in the 2024 event.


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