A note from Mrs Goddard

Thank you for all the lovely gifts, presents and well wishes.

I will miss you all loads.

Have a lovely summer break. All my love Kerry Goddard x

Staff Leaving

Dear Parent/Carer

We have two members of staff who are sadly leaving Myddle School on Thursday. They are Jenny Jones (Tigers TA) and Kayleigh Timms (Kitchen).

Both have been a massive part of the school for several years and will be sadly missed but we wish them good luck in their new positions.


Mrs Smith

Mobile Police Station – TODAY!!

Keep an eye open for the mobile Police Station which will be in the village hall car park from 2pm onward today.

If you have any questions please go and have a chat.

Year 6 Trip – Arrival Time Home

Dear Parent/Carers

They have had a busy, fun day and are expected back at approximately 16:30pm.


Mrs Smith

Corbet Transition Day – 10th July

Dear Parents/Carers

We have been asked by The Corbet to ensure that all Yr 6 pupils attending tomorrow’s transition day bring their inhalers with them IF they use them. If you have any questions please contact Ella White or Gail Monk at Corbet who will be able to assist with this and any medications that is needed on the day.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Mobile Police Station,16th July 2019, 2pm – Village Hall Car Park

Dear Parents/Carers

We are expecting the Mobile Police Station to be set up on the village hall car park on Tuesday 16th July 2019 from 2pm onward.

Our local PCSO, Mark Davies, will be there and will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

We are hoping this will be a regular arrangement and a visible support to everyone in the Village.


Mrs Smith

Crucial Crew “Open Day” 20th July 2019

Dear Parents/Carers

I have attached a flyer for an event that Crucial Crew are holding at the British Ironwork Centre. All of our Yr6’s pupils are sent to Crucial Crew every year and have a enjoyable day.


Mrs Smith

Crucial Crew Flyer 20th July


Missing Football Kit

We are missing the No 6, School Football kit (Shorts and Football top)! It was worn by a member of the team that played against Addmore last week. Please can you have a look at home as it will be needed for our next match next Thursday.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Spectacular Sports Day

Please find attached an article that Rhino class have put together to celebrate this years Sports Day. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!

Rhino Sports Day write up

Payment Reminder – Shrewsbury Trip 5th July

Dear Parents/Carers

We are still outstanding several payments for the trip tomorrow for Rhino & Jaguar classes.

Please can the payments of £7.80 be made by the end of the school day today or at the latest tomorrow morning.

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

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