Big Thank you!!

We would like to thank everyone who attended, baked, and ate all of the lovely cakes on Friday for our MacMillan Coffee Morning. You helped us raise a massive £121.01 for this amazing charity which is amazing. Special thanks to Jodie Phillips, Nursery Lead who organised this event for us and did an fantastic job.

We would also like to thank Mr Savage, dad of Blake, who came into school at the weekend and helped to tidy up the forest school area. This area has become very overgrown and needed some attention. Fingers crossed we will be able to use this area again very soon. THANK YOU MR SAVAGE.

MacMillan Coffee Morning – Friday 27th September

We would like to invite parents to attend this event which is taking part in the Nursery on Friday from 9:15am until 10:45am. Everyone Welcome!!!!

If you would be able to bake a cake for this event, we would be very grateful of any donations!! If you have any questions please do not hesitate to speak to Mrs Smith or Jodie in Nursery.


Friday Football Y1-3

Please be aware that the after-school Friday football session is also open to girls. If you think your daughter (Yr 1-3) would enjoy giving this a go please come and have a chat.

Mrs Smith

Celebration Assembly – 20th September

Star Pupils

Panda: Luke D

Tiger: Charlotte D

Rhino: Dylan T

Jaguar:  Toby S

Mathematician of the week:  William D

Writer of the week: Reuben

Reader of the week: Megan Y

Handwriter of the week: Lucy H & Indi J

Winners of Scruffy:  Panda


Celebration Assembly 13th September 2019

Star Pupils

Snow Leopard: Hattie M

Panda: Aria

Tiger: Sarah E-M

Rhino: Ariana & Maisie

Jaguar:  Malachai & Bethany

Mathematician of the week:  Alfie W

Writer of the week: Alex F

Handwriter of the week: Amy C

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards


Young Voices 2019

Further to the letters sent home this week.

Please find attached the forms for ordering parents tickets and t-shirts. If you are unable to print these off please let me know and I will send home a hard-copy with your child.


Miss SmithT shirt order form Ticket order form


Dates for your diary

PTA Meeting – Monday 23rd September, 7pm onwards, Red Lion, Myddle

MacMillan Coffee Morning -Friday 27th September, 9:15am – 10:45am, Myddle Pre-School.

Parents Evening – Tuesday, 22nd & Wednesday 23rd October. Further information to follow.


Tuck Shop

Unfortunately we are having to close our Friday morning tuck shop, with this Friday 13th being the last one. We hope you will understand our reasons when I summarise what has led to this decision:

The queue of children for toast is so long, that it almost doubles the length that playtime should be. The children queuing miss their chance to run around outside.

It is not possible to set up the tuck shop during worship anymore as worship is at 9am.

The tuck that was sold (generally white toast and jam) is not in line with our healthy eating policy; children are queuing for this rather than playing outside, which seems counterproductive.

We have several food allergies and intolerance in school which means the preparation would have to be done very differently and we cannot staff this at playtime.

The good news is that we are one of the few schools who provide free playtime fruit to all children, so there is a snack available to everyone at morning play. We also allow children to bring their own choice of healthy snack from home, which many already chose to do.

We will give the older children plenty of opportunities to have charity sales and experience dealing with money in this way during the year at school events, as this was a really positive aspect of the Tuck Shop.

Thank you for your understanding with this. If you have already sent in Tuck Money, you will be refunded next week.

Christmas Running Challenge with medal

Shropshire Shufflers running club and Lingen Davies Cancer Fund have offered Bascurch and Myddle Primary Schools the chance to take part in their 12k of Christmas charity challenge this term. We have accepted the challenge because so many of the children loved taking part in the schools half marathon, and it is good to have a similar challenge at a different time of year – and also to raise money for a brilliant local cause.

The challenge is to commit to run, walk or jog 1k a day for 12 days whilst helping us to raise money for Lingen Davies Cancer Fund.

No sponsorship is required; simply pay the discounted school entry fee of £4 and  in return , you will receive a special Santa Snowflake medal to reward your hard work.

Lingen Davies has been funding projects to improve cancer services our Shropshire, Telford and Mid Wales for over 40 years. This is the fourth year that the Shufflers have organised their Christmas charity challenge and this year there will be at least four Shropshire primary schools taking part.

We will be hosting our 1k walks and runs at school during our golden mile sessions, break/lunchtimes. If your child wants to do more than 1k per day, that’s fine but we will still need to complete 12 separate runs for the challenge.

The entry price is £4 per child. We are keen to see as many children from the school take part, but we have only been allocated a limited number of places so these will be offered on a first come, first served basis.

Please log on and pay via School Gateway to secure your medal. It will be called ’12 Kilometres of Christmas Deadline is October half term as we will be beginning the challenge after that.


Due to a change of circumstance within school, we are unable to accept any new children who are 2 years old and under to both Sunrise and Sunset Clubs.

Any children who currently attend these clubs, in the above age bracket, will no longer be able to attend from Christmas 2019 until they reach their third birthday.

It has been a very difficult decision to make and please accept our apologises for the inconvenience that this may cause you and your family.

If you would like to discuss this further please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834



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