Catch up Singing Club session

Mr lewin is going to hold a session on Wednesday 12th February after school to make up for the session which was cancelled. It will finish as normal at 4:15pm

Governors at both Parents Evenings

There will be governors in attendance at both parent evenings, Tuesday 11th and Thursday 13th February from 3:20pm until 6pm if you have any questions.

Sunset and Sunrise for 3 year olds

Update: Little Angels have informed some of you directly that they will not be able to accommodate 3 year olds. However, we do not want to stop providing this service for you as the nursery is a very important part of our school. We appreciate how many of you have children in both nursery and the main school who would be very inconvenienced by this change. To this end, we are going to run a school-led section where we will employ an additional member of staff ourselves to care for the three year olds. For this to be successful, places must be booked in advance. On a Wednesday we usually have 4 children in this category, which would cover the staff wages, but would need to strive to build up these numbers on the other days as well.

The price for this will be £4 per hour, in line with the cost of Little Angels.

PTA Valentine Disco

Dont forget the Valentine’s Disco on Wednesday, 12th February at the Village Hall
5pm – 7pm, £3 entry to include Hot dog & Drink

Tiger Parents – Forest School

Dear Parents/Carers

Forest School for Tiger Class will be on Wednesday, 12th February NOT Tuesday,11th February for this week only.

Apologises for any inconvenience this causes

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Mrs McGrath Maternity Leave

We would like to inform Panda parents that Mrs McGrath’s last day will be Friday 6th March, when she will leave us for her maternity leave. If there is any change to this, we will let you know. We are very fortuate to have our regular supply teacher Amanda Turner ready and waiting to take over as Panda teacher. The children will know Mrs Turner very well as she has done a lot of supply in there already this year and also covered for several weeks in nursery last year.

TWWG February Holiday Camp

Parents Evening Appointments

The booking system for appointments is now live.

Apologises for the confusion yesterday!


Mrs Smith


Please can we ask that ALL parents check their child’s hair as we have had another report of head-lice in school. If any evidence of an infestation is located please treat it appropriately.

Please can we also ask that long hair is tied back in a pony tail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Sunrise and Sunset update

Update: We are really pleased to hear how happy you all are with the current provision in sunset and sunrise. Claire, Sara and Rachel have all taken on these extra roles to ensure we can offer this wrap around care and are doing an amazing job. We really appreciate it.

Little Angels are very eager to start running our extended school provision and all the groundwork has now been done. This cannot start until Ofsted have been out to inspect the facilities and give their approval. We are on a waiting list for this but we anticipate that it will be after half term.

The Little Angels manager, Jemma Sharps, has been in and met with Helen Trevelyan and the other temporary staff. She will start to advertise Little Angels of Myddle after half term so that you can make your bookings and ask questions directly to them. Helen will definitely continue working at Sunset. The other staff are to be confirmed. Due to the fact that we don’t know the date that Ofsted will come, we are going to put the start date as Easter to ensure that it is done and we have sufficient time to action any changes that need to be made following their visit.

Thank you for your ongoing support with this.

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