Celebration Assembly – 28th February 2020

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Daniel S

Panda: Rhys E

Tiger: Freddie C

Rhino: Jamie D

Jaguar:  Chanel M

Mathematician of the week:  Holly T

Writer of the week: Jamie D

Reader of the week:  Blake S & Evelyn P

Handwriter of the week:
Panda Class: William Pa
Tiger Class – Charlotte D
Rhino Class -Amber W
Jaguar Class –Sophie Co

Winners of Scruffy:  Snow Leopards

Congratulations to Yr 6 children who have, this week, taken part in an Awareness of First Aid event. The organisers of the training was so impressed with the children, their interest and amazing behaviour. Thank you also to the PTA for covering the cost of this course and we hope to arrange this annually for all Yr 6’s.


Winter Weather Closures

If the weather becomes adverse and we deem it necessary to close the school, you will be informed via the school website and school facebook page. All school closures will be announced on Radio Shropshire so if we are not on their closures list, then you must presume we are open.

Our guidance is that schools are expected to stay open unless there really is no sensible option but to close. We take into account the safety of our staff and children who have to travel in by car, as well as the affects of the weather on the school itself.

Please do not ring the school if there is heavy snow in the morning – your first port of call should be Radio Shropshire and the School Website. They will make announcements from 8am.  If we need to close the school during the school day, we will again post this information on our website and the school facebook page. If snow becomes heavy, we advise that you check these platforms regularly to see if we are advising you to collect your children.

Many thanks for your understanding.


This is an update on the government’s response to COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Public Health England advises that the risk to individuals in the UK remains low.

If you have a cough, or fever or shortness of breath and have visited any of the high risk areas in the last 14 days, stay indoors and call NHS 111 informing them of your recent travel.

We would like to reassure you that we have no children at school who have recently returned from a category one area. We are working with the local authority and the DFE. We have also phoned for advice on NHS 111 ourselves, which we will continue to do if any concerns are raised. If any members of your family have traveled to vulnerable areas and you feel you need to let the school know, please telephone the office.

This link will give you specific maps and guidance if you are concerned:


World Book Day + Sponsored Read

During the week beginning 2nd March we are going to be doing lots of reading-related activities. There will be more details to follow after half term but we felt that you might like to get your thinking caps on over half term:

Sponsored Read in association with Usborne Books. This will be launched during worship on Friday 28th February and monies raised will help buy books for the school. There will be a book fayre where the children can spend their World Book Day Voucher.

Vocabulary Parade – Thursday 5th March (see separate post)

Extreme reading photos – photographs of children AND adults reading in different places for a display. Don’t be shy – see if you can take some photos so the children can see adults reading for pleasure (books, magazines, newspapers, kindles etc.). You can bring these in as soon as you have them, or email them to school where we will print them.

Many thanks for your support.


World Book Day Vocabulary Parade

World Book Day: Thursday 5th March

What are books full of? WORDS!! Do you have a favourite word or can you use the dictionary to find an unusual or very descriptive word? Have you found a brilliant new word in a book you have been reading?

This year, instead of dressing up as a book character, we are having A VOCABULARY PARADE!

Please come displaying an extraordinarily amazing word. You could have a sign around your neck, a hat with the word on or dress up as the word. See the attached images for ideas or google ‘vocabulary parade’ for a plethora of other ideas. We are going to do lots of activities during the day based on the words. A describing word would work better than a noun so for example, if you wanted to come in your football kit, you could be ‘skilful’ rather than ‘footballer’. If you fancied coming in your Brownie uniform you could be ‘reliable’ or ‘helpful’, rather than ‘Brownie’. See how creative you can be –  can you think of a better word than the teachers?

Please see our other news post about other events linked to World Book day.

vocabulary parade ideas

End of Term Tuck Shop

The PTA will be holding a tuck shop sale after school on Friday 14th February.

Items will cost between 10p and 50p.

Parents bring your purses!!!!!!!!!!

Parents E-Safety Awareness Event

We are proposing to arrange an after school event, around 5:30pm, for Parents who may be interested in receiving advice and guidance on keeping their child safe on the internet.

This event will be supported by work which we will be doing with the pupils in school.

Please can you either drop school an email on admin@myddle.shropshire.sch.uk  or give Mrs Smith a call on 01939 290834 if you would be interested in coming along.


Little Angels Update

We have had a few more questions this week regarding Little Angels. Jemma will be bringing leaflets, information and booking forms into Myddle straight after half term. She is very happy for any of you to contact her directly to ask any questions in the meantime.

We have found out today that there are lots more questions and speculations being made on Myddle Mums Natter. Please contact the school or Jemma directly with these so that they can be answered accurately. Just to dispell one rumour, you will not have to book your place at Little Angels a year in advance!


Celebration Assembly – 7th February 2020

Star Pupils

Snow Leopards: Florence L

Panda: Amelia G

Tiger: Katheryn O

Rhino: Lucy P

Jaguar:  Jack M

Mathematician of the week:  Cassie S

Writer of the week: Ryan L

Reader of the week:  Ruby P

Handwriter of the week:
Panda Class: William Pa
Tiger Class – Caspar M
Rhino Class -Cass M
Jaguar Class – Zoe H

Winners of Scruffy:  Rhino Class

Well done to Lily L who received her guitar award this week.  Congratulations to the Netball and Hockey Squad who took part in events this week and played really well.

You are all amazing and we are so proud of you and your hard work.


There will be no toddler session this Friday, 14th February 2020.

The sessions will commence again on Friday, 28th February 2020 at 9:10am.

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