Results from your environmental review – Mrs W

Thank you for completing the environmental review with your class. Now that we are all back in school, we can look at working on some of the areas you identified. I will summarise the results below.

These are the main issues that we can start to try and improve at our school:

too many devices are left on standby, like computer monitors, laptops and plugs;
we don’t use any renewable sources of energy, like solar or wind;
we don’t take part in any national energy saving initiatives.

we don’t ban straws, balloons or single use plastic at school.

we could make better use of the compost bins;
teachers use too much paper and laminate too much;
we could recycle much more of our rubbish.

Healthy Living:
we need to grow more of our own fruit and vegetables.

Do we encourage wild flowers, bees and insects? Do we have a wild flower area?

Which are the most important things to work on?
Have you got any ideas? Write them in the comments!

Anyone in the school can comment please and let the ECO-CHAMPIONS know!

Ariana’s Presentation

Ariana in year 5 has made a presentation for her class today encouraging them to help collect litter. Are you able to help her?

Lily and Ariana – hello

We’re really happy to be eco-champions.

Back to School Tuesday 4th September

We hope you have all had a fantastic break. Just a reminder that Monday 3rd is a PD day for the teachers. We look forward to seeing all the children on Tuesday 4th. Gates open at 8:45

Don’t forget to update your email preferences for the school newsletter and class news, as you will need to tick to receive updates from the class your child has moved into. You will have received an email explaining how to do this. If you are not a current subscriber, go to the bottom right of the home page and choose one of the options under ‘CONNECT’. Thank-you very much.

Corbet Transition Day tomorrow

We hope that the children are looking forward to spending the day at the Corbet, where they should arrive by 9:30

Just a reminder that if the children need a jumper tomorrow, they must wear their regular school jumper NOT the leaver’s hoodies to the Corbet please.

A reminder that there is also a meeting for parents at the Corbet at 7pm. Children are discouraged from coming to this meeting due to space in their hall. All information is in the transition letter from the Corbet if you have any other queries.


Year 6 Corbet Transition Day

We hope the children are looking forward to spending tomorrow at the Corbet, where they need to arrive by 9:30

Just a reminder that if the children need a jumper, they must wear their regular school jumper NOT the leaver’s hoodies to the Corbet please.

A reminder that there is also a meeting for parents at the Corbet at 7pm. Children are discouraged from coming to this meeting due to space in their hall. All information is in the transition letter from the Corbet if you have any other queries.


Dovedale eta 3:30

Just to let you  know we should be back at Myddle by 3:30

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