Working from Home Y5&6 – Wednesday 29th April 2020

Good morning Y5&6. Here’s your daily timetable of learning from home for today.
Daily Timetable Wednesday 29.4.20

9:00 Morning exercise

9:25 Spelling Shed – Well done to all of those who practised their spellings yesterday. Great start Zac. Keep it up!

9:45 English (Completing the writing / typing part of your sports person’s biography)
English Lesson 3 Wednesday 29.4.20


11:00 Maths
Y5 Maths Wednesday 29th April 2020
Y6 Maths Wednesday 29th April 2020
Y6 Maths Wednesday 29th April Analogue-To-Digital-24-Hour (ALL)
Y6 Maths – Henry, Harvey, Bethany, Lily, Jack, Megan – Wednesday 29th April Time
Y6 Maths – Reuben, Malachai, Elizabeth, Cassie, Ruby – Wednesday 29th April Time
Y6 Maths – Zac, Toby, Chloe, Dante – Wednesday 29th April Time


1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth – King Midas) *You could listen to the story whilst on Spelling Shed in the morning if you would like to.


1:30 Computing
Lesson 2


Have a good day. Let me know if you have any questions or problems.
Mr Hughes
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