Good morning Y5&6. Well done and thank you to everybody who sent some examples of their wonderful work and other activities that they produced yesterday. It was lovely to see so much effort that you are putting into your learning at home. Hopefully, you all enjoyed the slideshow ‘Highlights From Home’ that showed what everybody had produced.
Here’s your daily timetable for today:
9:00 Morning exercise
9:25 Spelling Shed (Well done to those who earned extra dojos for being our top spellers yesterday!)
9:45 English (Non-Fiction – Biographies)
11:00 Maths
1:00 Reading: Whole class story (ANCIENT GREEK MYTH – THESEUS AND THE MINOTAUR) Click on me to watch and listen.
1:30 Topic (History / Geography – Ancient Greece)
Have a good day! I’m looking forward to hearing from you!