Welcome back Year 5&6 to a new week of learning from home. I hope that you refreshed yourselves during the weekend and are ready to focus again at the start of a new week. Myddle CE Primary School shall be open today with a few ‘key workers’ supporting a small group of children. Therefore, the books of the school children are still available to collect in the reception area if you still haven’t done so. Well done to all of those children who have helped to get the Y5&6 class to Number 1 in the world on Spelling Shed, however, since Sunday, we have now dropped back to number 6! Can we get back to the top again? Yes we can!
Here’s our timetable for today.
9:00 Morning exercise
9:30 Spelling Shed
9:45 English (Continue with ‘Biography’ writing)
11:00 Maths
1:00 Whole class story (Ancient Greek Myth – Pandora’s Box)
1:30 Science (New Topic – Humans)
Have a good day. I’m looking forward to seeing how your progress today.