Working From Home Y5&6 Monday 20th April 2020

Hi everybody, welcome back to the Summer Term. It’s time to get back to a routine of focusing on your school work at home so here’s your daily timetable for your first day back. Let me know if you have any problems during the day and if you can send me any examples of how you’ve been getting on so that I can award any class dojos.

Daily Timetable Monday 20.4.20

9:00 Morning physical exercise: You can either watch somebody online, (eg, Joe Wicks) to copy from or, if you would prefer, you can do your own exercise routine.


9:20 Spelling Shed: We are currently in 48th place in the world. How far up the league table can we get in the next 15 minutes. Your spellings for the this week are the same as those that you’ve had during the Easter break. You could also practise some of the expected Y3&4 or Y5&6 words though too.


9:35 English: (Look carefully at the final slide which tells you which piece of text about Usain Bolt YOU need to be reading)
English Lesson 1 Monday 20.4.20
Usain Bolt Biography


11:00 Maths:
Y5 Maths Monday 20th April
Y5 Maths Monday 20th April Activity 1
Y6 Maths Lesson 1 Monday 20th April
Y6 Maths Lesson 1 – Monday 20th April Activity


1:00 Reading Time: (Complete your reading record)


1:30 Science: (If you are struggling to do this investigation because of a lack of resources at home – don’t worry, spend your time learning about thermal conductors and insulators)
Lesson 6 Science – Materials Keeping Cool
Differentiated Investigating Materials Activity Sheet (PAGES 1 and 2)



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