Rhino Home Learning – Wednesday 20.1.21

Good Morning,

Hope you had a good day yesterday. Can’t believe we are at the middle of the week again already.

Good luck today and do your best.

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 5

Please read chapter 5 ‘The BFG’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English: Lesson 6 of ‘The Secret of Black Rock‘ with Jane Considine.

Today’s double page layout is the same as the previous lesson:

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on dividing a 3 digit number by a 1 digit number

Below are links to the white rose video for today’s lesson on dividing 3 digit numbers by a 1 digit number and activity sheets

Video lesson

Y4-Spring-Block-1 Divide-3-digits-by-1-digit

Activity 4:

PSHE: Internet Safety – Read the information about safer internet use in week 3’s activity below. Then design your own poster to encourage and explain how children can use the internet safely.

Week 3 Activity

You may also want to do further research into safer internet use. Have a look at the website below to learn the SMART rules and complete some interactive activities.

Saferinternet.org.uk 3 -11

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