Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 7.1.21

Good Morning Everyone,

Thank you again to so many of you that sent in work yesterday, I was so impressed to see how hard you worked during the day.

Let’s go for it again today…and remember send in pictures of your work!!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 1

Please read chapter 1 ‘The Witching Hour’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions

BFG Text


Activity 2: English: Cold Write – Complete and Edit

Today, if you haven’t finished writing your story, you have the opportunity to finish it today. Once you have finished, make sure you read back through it to ensure it reads correctly and that all punctuation is accurate, especially capital letters and full stops.

Once finished, use the list below to identify where you have used what feature. If you notice you haven’t used a particular feature, can you find a part of your story where it could be used? Use your time today in this session to do some up levelling of your writing to make it the best it can be.

Story features/tools:

  • Range of punctuation
  • Paragraphs
  • Description of characters and how they change
  • Description of settings and seasonal change
  • Senses
  • Powerful language (synonyms)
  • Dialogue
  • Feelings and emotive language
  • Show don’t tell
  • Similes
  • Short sentences for impact
  • Range of sentence types
  • Prepositions
  • Fronted adverbials
  • Thoughts and rhetorical questions

Thank you to those of who sent their writing in, it was so pleasing to see and I was very impressed.

Please could choose a tool/feature and sent in the best example you have of its use from your writing. I would love to share some of these examples with everyone on the website. 

Activity 3:

Maths: Today we are covering a unit on factor pairs

Below are links to the white rose video (lesson 3) for today’s task and the corresponding activity sheets

Video lesson

3 Y4-Spring-Block-1-WO3-Factor-pairs

Activity 4:


Can you story create a story board from the animation? Use either 6 or 8 sections, up to you to help you summaries the main points.

Now answer the following questions:

What did Jesus ask Peter and Andrew to do?

How would you feel if you were asked to give up your favourite things?

List 6 of your favourite things and state how you would feel if you had to give each of them up.

Hope you have a good day

Best Wishes

Mr Glover

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