Rhino Home Learning – Thursday 4.2.21

Good Morning,

We are nearly there for this week and tomorrow is Free up Friday!!

Please remember to send in photos of your work or a list of what has been completed. Many thanks.

Good luck today and do your best!

Activity 1:

Reading: The BFG chapter 10

Please read chapter  ‘Frobscottle and Whizpoppers’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions

BFG Text Chapters 6 – 10


Activity 2: English: Lesson 4 of ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’

Lesson 4:

Today’s double page layout is the same as the previous lesson:

Activity 3:

Maths: Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘Fraction greater then one’.

Video lesson


Activity 4:

RE: Parables

Look at the ‘stop and think’ sayings below:

  • When life gives you lemons – make lemonade
  • Don’t judge a book by its cover.
  • If you can’t beat them join them.

What do they each mean?

Jesus’ Parables did the same; they were stories with meaning – What do you think the parable is in the video below?

How can you be helpful like the ‘Good Samaritan’?

How are you helpful at home and around the house?

Do you:

  • Lay the table for dinner?
  • Dry the dishes?
  • Help with dusting?
  • Tidy up after yourself?
  • Keep your bedroom tidy?

Make a poster to help someone of your age be more helpful at home.

Have a great day

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