Good Morning,
I hope you all had good day yesterday. Thank you for the work you sent in, it was brilliant to see how hard you have been working.
Good luck today and do your best! Remember to let me know how you get on and send in photos of your work if you can. I love to see how well you have been doing. Remember, tomorrow is Free up Friday, which you can use to catch up on any tasks that you haven’t been able to complete this week.
Activity 1:
Reading: The BFG chapter 14
Please read chapter ‘Dreams’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 1’ and ‘Day 2’ questions
BFG Text Chapters 11 – 16
Activity 2: English: BFG Writing unit from the Oak Academy
Please use the link below to access the next lesson in the teaching sequence:
Lesson 6 – To generate vocabulary for a character description
Activity 3:
Maths: We are continuing with the unit on Fractions.
Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets to ‘Add 2 or more Fractions’. This is the 2nd video lesson and focusses on extends on the learning of adding fractions together.
Video lesson
Y4 Spring Block 3 Add 2 or more fractions
Activity 4: RE
Last lesson looked at the story of the ‘Good Samaritan’ and the importance of looking after each other.
Today I would like you to think about the charity ‘Christian Aid’ and find about some facts about the their history and the good work they do.
I would like you to create a ‘Double Page Spread’ all about Christian Aid.

Think about the following questions to help:
- When was the charity founded?
- Who does the charity help?
- What success has the charity had?
- How does the charity follow Jesus’ teaching?
- How people can get involved?
Use the link below to access the Christian Aid website to help you research:
Christian Aid
Thank you and hope you have a good day.