Good Morning,
Hope you all had time to relax over the weekend.
Welcome to February!!! Where did January go?
Please remember to send in photos of your work or a list of what has been completed. Many thanks.
Good luck today and do your best!
Activity 1:
Reading: The BFG chapter 8
Please read chapter ‘Snozzcumbers’ of the BFG and answer the ‘Day 3’ and ‘Day 4’ questions
BFG Text Chapters 6 – 10
Activity 2: English: Lesson 1 of ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’
This is new series of lessons from Mrs. C and they are based on a text that the children should all be familiar with. We looked ‘The Day The Crayons Quit’ during World Book Day last year.

Lesson 1:

Today’s double page layout is the same as the previous lesson:

Activity 3:
Maths: This week we are moving on from Area and are starting a new unit on Fractions.
Below are links to the white rose video for today’s learning and the corresponding activity sheets for ‘unit and non-unit fractions’
Video lesson
Spring-Block-3 Unit-and-non-unit-fractions
Activity 4:
Science: Oak Academy Electricity Lesson 4 – What are insulators and conductors?
Click on the link below to access the lesson:
Lesson 4