Hi Pandas,
Yayyy it’s time to play! Half Term is here.
I just wanted to send you a big well done and thank you message!
You have worked so hard over the last few weeks and you have stuck at it even when things have been very tough. I am so proud of you all Pandas and you should feel very proud of yourselves (and your grown-ups too).
I have found a Playdough recipe which sounds good, as it is a no-cook recipe and the playdough lasts for a long time.
Recipe for playdough
Playdough is really good for building up hand and finger strength and can be linked to measuring (coming up after half term) or other maths or letter activities; try forming letters or your name. And it’s just a lot of fun to play with!
Have a lovely restful break and have lots of fun!
Bye for now and take care.
Mandy Turner