Welcome to Wednesday Y5&6. Did you enjoy practising some of those ‘circus’ hand co-ordination skills on the video yesterday? Why not try some balancing skills? I shall try to show you the video on our Zoom meeting in the morning. I’m hoping you can hear the video as well as see the video.
Here’s the link for the Zoom meeting in the morning.
Meeting ID: 931 5586 9209
Passcode: vp4fh7
Here’s Tuesday’s ‘Review of the Day’. Some of the starts to your independent story writing have been amazing! Amy in Y6 and Blake in Y5 in particular – WOW!
Review of the day – Tuesday 19th January 2021
Here’s Wednesday’s learning from home….
Page 1 = Ollie, Esme, Sam and Sophie
Page 3 = Ariana, Maisie, Dylan and Alex
Page 5 = Cass, Alfie, Lilly and Blake
As we have PE on a Wednesday, here’s some activities that you can do to build up your fitness and physical wellbeing.
Have a good day
Mr Hughes