Good morning Y5&6.
Well done for all of the hard work that you’ve been putting in at home this week. Here’s an overview of what you’ve been working on at home.
- You’ve planned your own biography of a famous explorer well this week in English.
- You’ve developed and consoildated your understanding of fractions (Y5) and fractions, decimals and % (Y6) in maths.
- In Science, you’ve planned, performed and concluded a ‘melting’ investigation.
- In our Topic work (Frozen Planet), we’ve learned more about the Arctic, including the animals that live there, including sketches of them.
- You’ve learned more about the importance of e-safety in Computing
- Plus, you’ve also been given the opportunity to develop your Spanish, Music and PE skills with various video links that have been sent to you.
Here’s your chance to see Thursday’s ‘Review of the Day’.
I shall see you in the morning from our Friday Zoom meeting, which will include the semi-final of ‘The Masked Finger’. Only 4 children are left – who will be voted out this week? Will it be……?
Here’s the link for today’s Zoom meeting.
Meeting ID: 910 3405 3983
Passcode: PN10t0
Here’s your learning from home today:-
English – Today, you are going to be STARTING your INDEPENDENT biography writing.
Today, I want to you produce a title, introduction and the opening paragraph about the EARLY LIFE of your chosen polar explorer. You can write or type your biography. If you choose to type it, make sure that you save it regularly.
English Lesson – Friday 5th February 2021
Maths – Today, you are going to take part in a Kahoot Maths quiz, which will be based on everything from your maths this week. Don’t rush! You have plenty of time for each question so take your time to try to get as close to 100% as possible!
Y5 – Esme, Ollie, Sophie, Ariana, Maisie, Alex and Sam
Y5 – Dylan, Cass, Alfie, Lilly and Blake
Y6 – Isla, Nia, Holly H, Zoe, Lucy, Rhys, Jacob, Sophie, Isobel and Holly T
Y6 – Amy, Nelly, Cameron, Alissa, Izzy, Katie, Daniel and Heidi
Reading: Own reading books
If you’d like to have a go at some Arctic art work, why not watch these links to help you…..
Northern Lights
Arctic Fox
Have a good day.
Mr Hughes