Celebration Assembly – 20th September

Star Pupils

Panda: Luke D

Tiger: Charlotte D

Rhino: Dylan T

Jaguar:  Toby S

Mathematician of the week:  William D

Writer of the week: Reuben

Reader of the week: Megan Y

Handwriter of the week: Lucy H & Indi J

Winners of Scruffy:  Panda


Y5 Maths Event

A huge well done to the 5 children who represented Myddle CE Primary School in a Maths competition at Oswestry School today. Out of the 17 schools who took part, Heidi, Amy, Nelly, Cameron and Alissa finished in 3rd place overall. Great mathematical puzzle solving everybody!

Guitar Lessons

Mr Rickard has changed the day that he is coming into school to do his lessons.

These will now take place on Thursday mornings instead of Tuesdays.

Please can you ensure your child has their guitar in school for Thursday, lessons will start on Thursday 12th September.

Mrs Smith

Massive Belated “Thank You”

We would to extend a “Massive” thank you to Mr Collison, dad of Charlie and Olivia, for organising the sponsorship of our new fantastic football kit. We know it was a lot of work to sort this out for us!

We are so grateful for the kit donation and I am sure you will agree that the pupils looks brilliant.

Thank you Mr Collison 🙂