
Thursday 27th June, 2024

Y5&6 Trip to Shrewsbury Museum (Science)

This afternoon, the Y5&6 Jaguar class travelled to Shrewsbury Museum for a Science workshop based on their current topic of ‘Evolution’.


Wednesday 26th June, 2024

Y5 Crimebusters Day

The Y5 pupils in Jaguar class travelled to Shrewsbury School today for a Crimebusters Day, where they took part in a series of physics / chemistry and biology based activities to solve the crime of ‘who stole the dog?’ Everybody really enjoyed the day and it was superbly organised by Shrewsbury School.


Wednesday 26th June, 2024


In the interests of protecting pupils and staff with nut allergies, we request that you do not send your children to school with any of the following:

  • Packaged nuts
  • Peanut butter or chocolate spreads containing nuts
  • Cereal, granola or chocolate bars containing nuts
  • Cake or biscuits containing nuts
  • Peanut-based sauces like satay
  • Any food made with sesame seeds (which can cause a similar allergic reaction)

The above list is not exhaustive. Please check the ingredient lists carefully.

Both children and adults with severe nut allergies can suffer from life-threatening reactions if they eat, smell, or touch any foods containing nuts. We are therefore grateful for your cooperation in helping to keep our pupils and staff safe.

Tuesday 25th June, 2024

Class Photo Reminder

Dear Parents,

Have you ordered your school Group photo yet? A polite reminder that the closing date for free delivery back to school is Tuesday 2nd July 2024 Order through the Tempest website using your unique link or visit www.tempest-orders.co.uk 

If you need any assistance in ordering your photos, feel free to contact Tempest on 01736 751555 (option 3).



Tuesday 25th June, 2024

Summer HAF (Holiday Activities & Food) Programme

Bookings for the Summer HAF (Holiday Activities & Food) programme are now open!

There are free places available on the programme for children and young people aged 4 (reception class age) to 16, who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals and for those who have been referred onto HAF by school.

If your child is eligible, a printed copy of the HAF Information Leaflet was sent home yesterday. Our school code is printed inside this leaflet. You can also contact school for the code.

Please visit the Shropshire HAF webpages (Holiday activities and food programme (HAF) | Shropshire Council) for more information.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you.


Monday 24th June, 2024

Flag Football

Today, 10 boys in Jaguar class were chosen to gain more experience in the new, exciting game of Flag Football, which will also appear in the Olympics for the first time, this year in Paris. It’s a mixture of tag rugby and NFL. We learned more about the rules and skills involved this morning before playing in some games this afternoon. Hopefully the children will be inspired to enjoy playing the game more in the future whilst also teaching the other children in school how to play.

Friday 21st June, 2024

Stikins Name Labels

PTA have linked up with Stikins Name Labels to help find a cost effective way for parents to easily name school uniform, shoes, lunch boxes and many other items whilst raising money for the school at no extra cost.

Stikins have offered to provide 5 FREE name labels for each child in the school – We will need to provide your child’s name but no other details.  Please could you let the admin office know by Wednesday 26th June if you do not wish us to share your child’s name to receive these free samples.  Thank you.