
Thursday 6th December, 2018

Celebration Assembly

It is our Celebration Assembly on Friday 14 December at 9.10am in the school hall. All parents and carers are invited to join us if you are able to.

Thursday 6th December, 2018

Shropshire Schools Half Marathon

All children will receive a letter concerning this event today (Thursday). If your child wishes to take part please sign up on the School Gateway by Friday 14 December. As the school is funding 50% of the cost of this event we will only be ordering tickets for those who have registered and paid by the closing date. Many thanks.

Wednesday 5th December, 2018

Uniform and PE Kit

Please can we ask for your cooperation in ensuring the correct uniform is worn at all times and children have our proper PE kit with them in school, which comprises of a red T-shirt, black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms for colder weather. All uniform items are available to buy direct or online from the School Shop at:

Unit 17-18 Sundorne Trade Park
Featherbed Lane
United Kingdom

We are very proud of our school and our well mannered children. Uniform plays a big part in giving the children a sense of belonging to our community and we expect all children to wear the uniform with pride.

Many thanks.

Wednesday 5th December, 2018

Myddle Fun Run Competition

The Myddle Multi Terrain Fun Run (24 Mar 19) which is a HUGE fundraiser for the school are running a competition for the children to design the medal that is awarded to all the runners. We have printed out an application for each child to enter, which will be sent home with them in the next day or two. The closing date for entries is the 14th December, in order to have time to get the winning design on the medals. Please hand your clearly named entries into the school office by this date.

Monday 3rd December, 2018

Hockey tournament

Well done to the children who were chosen to represent Myddle CE Primary School in this morning’s hockey tournament at Corbet School. We had two squads entered, with one our teams finishing in 2nd place out of the 8 teams, to qualify through to the next stage.???

The squads were:

Squad 1: Charlie, Maddie, Georgia, Alfie, Merci and Reuben

Squad 2: Blake, Lily K, Cameron, Rhys, Lucy and Bethany

Monday 3rd December, 2018

Performance Props Required

We are in need of some props for our KS2 performance!

We would be really grateful for any donations of the following –

White Wool

Sand Bags


Vintage Looking Table Cloths

Material to help build an Anderson Shelter – corrugated cardboard?

2 x Walking Sticks

2 x Grey Haired Wigs

Toy Lawn Mower

Snow machine (you never know!)

If you have anything you are willing to donate/let us borrow, please hand them to Mrs Harris as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Monday 3rd December, 2018

No Fencing/Dance Club This Week

Reminder that it was the last Fencing and Dance after school club sessions last week, therefore there will be no Fencing this afternoon (Monday 3rd December) and no Dance on Wednesday. Thank you.

Monday 3rd December, 2018

Pantomime Permission

Just a reminder that it is our school visit to the Pantomime at Theatre Severn tomorrow, Tuesday 4th December – oh yes it is!  We will leave school at 9am and will return in time for lunch.

It is essential that we receive permission for your child to attend. Please either give your consent online via the School Gateway or provide the school office with written consent as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. 

Your child will be unable to attend the Pantomime if school do not receive permission. 

Friday 30th November, 2018

KS2 Performance – Rhino and Jaguar

Letters regarding the KS2 performance will be sent home this afternoon.  In regards to costumes, children will be required to bring in ‘warm clothing’ such as coats, hats, scarves and gloves.

Also, as the performance is related to wartime, if your child has any wartime style costumes, please could they bring them in.  This is not essential, so please do not buy anything especially!

If you have any questions, please contact Mr Hughes, Mrs Wenlock or the school office.

Friday 30th November, 2018

Sunset Club

As of Monday 3rd December, we are moving Sunset Club to the nursery.  This means that any children at Sunset Club must be collected from the nursery doors, not from the school office entrance.

We have made this decision as we feel that this will be more safe and secure for the children and children will have access to more resources.

If your child attends an after school club, they will also need to be collected from the nursery.

We will be trialing this until Christmas and would welcome any feedback you may have.

If you have any questions, please contact the school office.