Evacuee Suitcases

In our topic lesson today we started to explore how it may have felt to be an evacuee.  We watched the first few minutes of “Goodnight Mr Tom” and discussed both how Willy and Mr Tom must have felt.  We are now in the process of making some evacuee size suitcases and I have asked the children to think about what they would have packed if they were an evacuee.  Next week I am hoping they will bring in their precious things to explore how they would have felt leaving their homes and families behind, not knowing if they would return or what they would return to.


Forest School

Just a quick reminder that the children from Rhino class have forest school on a Thursday morning.  Some of the other classes had to rearrange the times but we kept our original time of a Thursday morning.  The children do go to church before they go into the forest and so we ask that whilst they can come in their outdoor clothing that they wear their normal shoes for registration and the church service.  When they get back they can then pop on their wellies at the back door  and enjoy their lesson outside.

It is cold now and the children are outside for the whole morning.  Please can you ensure they have warm clothing, gloves, waterproof trousers (so they can sit down outside) and wellies. Wellies get muddy so a plastic bag to put them in afterwards is much appreciated to help keep the school clean.  Children can then get changed out of possibly wet, muddy outside gear into their uniform for the rest of the day.

Any questions, please drop me an email or pop in and see me, I will always try and make myself available for you.



The Rhino class were privileged to experience two workshops this week from our visitors who delivered the anti-bullying message.   The children enjoyed the drama and relaxation workshops that followed the whole school assembly.

The Lion and the Unicorn

Thank you to our fantastic PTA who bought a set of The Lion and the Unicorn books for us.  Shirley Hughes is a wonderful children’s writer and the class are enjoying the book so far.  The main character Lenny has just gone into the air raid shelter with his mum and we have started some descriptive writing about the scene outside the shelter.  Here are the children making exciting sentences using fronted adverbials, adjectives and brackets.  They were all really impressed how professional their sentences sounded.

Autumn Decorations

The children enjoyed studying the beautiful autumnal leaves and painting pumpkins to make autumn decorations.


All Things Bright and Beautiful

We used the lovely art work that the children completed for the harvest festival to start to build a new window display around the hymn All Things Bright and Beautiful.  It  is a work in progress so we will enjoy watching it evolve.  The poppies were taken to the church, each person on the memorial was given a poppy and a thoughful message was written by the children, I think they look lovely as I drive past in the morning.  We will not forget.

Our World War One Display

Look at some of the amazing work Rhinos have done to make this display so informative.  We did a lot of work around the book War Horse, thank you for supporting their learning, I think some of you bought the book and I know others of you watched the film with your children (a real tearjerker).  I love some of the questions they would have liked to ask the soldiers in the trenches and their watercolour poppies were fantastic.

Cosford Air Museum

We had an amazing  and informative day at Cosford Air Museum.  The children were really interested to find out more about the aircraft and weapons housed at the museum. We enjoyed the workshop “Spirit of the Blitz” which gave the children a flavour of school, rationing and air raids.  They were all brave and went into the Anderson shelter and some children tried out the Morrison shelter.  We walked miles so I bet they were all tired tonight but it was a real pleasure to take your interested and polite children out for the day, I hope they enjoyed it.

Cosford RAF Museum – REMINDER

Just a reminder that Pandas, Tigers, Rhinos and Jaguars will be visiting the Cosford RAF Museum this Wednesday 14th November.

Please ensure that you give your consent and make payment online as soon as possible, if you have not already done so. If you have any problems with the School Gateway, please contact the school office. Thank you.

Welcome to Rhino Class

Dear parents

It has been a real pleasure starting to get to know your children and I am very much looking forward to teaching them this year.

Between now and Christmas our topic will be RAF 100, focusing on World War1 but mainly on World War 2 and I’m sure they will find this a really interesting subject to investigate.  I’m hoping the homework jigsaw will come home with the children on Friday and you can get busy looking into this project at home with your children.

Homework will be given out on a Friday and will be due back in on a Friday.  Each week the children will get spellings to learn and a times table sheet to complete.  There will also be some work on growing a positive mindset which I think the children will enjoy.  The homework is not designed to be over onerous so please do come and see me if your child is finding it too much.  There will also be the homework jigsaw offering various creative tasks (not compulsory) for those of you that like to spend time with your children making fantastic art works and written work for our displays.

Forest School will be on Thursday mornings, PE will be on a Friday afternoon and we are super lucky to have a dance teacher coming in on Wednesday afternoons so please can children have their kits in school for these lessons.  Music and singing will also be on a Wednesday afternoon.

All children should now have a reading book and a reading diary, the children have been briefed on how to complete the reading diary.  I have heard most of the children read over the last two days and checked they are on the correct books, by Friday I should have completed this process.  If you have any concerns about reading  please don’t hesitate to pop in and have a chat.

My door is always open, I would much rather you pop in, ring or email with any concerns at all.  As always my main aim is to ensure the children are happy in school so they can reach their full potential.

Mrs Wenlock