Gentle Reminder – Applications for Reception Class Sept 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

The closing date for any applications for Reception Class 2021 is the 15th January 2021.

If you require any guidance on this please click on the link below:


Celebration Assembly – 11th December

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Maisie & Izzy
Rhino – Eloise
Tiger – Olivia
Panda -Beau

Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Nia, Amber, Gwen

Reader of the Week: Sam, Josh F, Ewan & Owen

Writer of the Week: Alex, Nelly, Sorrel, Ruby P, William Pe

Hand writers of the Week: Alissa & Abi

Class DOJO Merits: Panda Class

Well Done Everyone

16th December – Christmas Lunch, Turkey or Parsnip & Cranberry Flan £2.20
17th December – Christmas Jumper Day, £1 donation for Save the Children


Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 16th December

Dear Parents/Carers

We are looking forward to holding our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday,16th December.

Your child can enjoy either a Turkey Roast or Parsnip and Cranberry Flan.

Payment should be made via School Gateway as normal. If your child doesn’t normally have school dinners and you only need to pay the £2.20, please feel free to send this amount in an envelope marker with your child’s name.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834.





Threadworm (Pinworms)

We have been made aware of a case of threadworm in Nursery.

Whilst there is no exclusion period for this infection, it does require treatment.

Please find attached the NHS guidance on this condition and please ensure you check your child accordingly.


Tiger Class

Dear Parents/Carers

It appears that the a few of the School photo’s belonging to Tiger Class are still in school.

We will endeavour to send them home on Monday.

Mrs Smith