Tiger Class – Home learning – Friday 26th February

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:

Maths – Geometry: Properties of Shape – Draw 2D shapes

Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO4-Draw-2D-shapes

English – The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken: characters and problems – To make predictions

Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)

Maths – Measurement: Length and perimeter – Add lengths

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-4-WO5-Add-lengths

English – The Man on the Moon – Narrative Writing: To develop a rich understanding of words associated with sadness

All Tigers

There are some tasks for you to do in preparation for World Book Day next Thursday. Please read the post on the main Tiger Class page and use the extra time today planning for that special Day.

New spellings to be tested on Monday 1st (Year 2) or Tuesday 2nd March (Year 3):

Year 2 – Lesson 19 – Adding er to words ending in e with a consonant before it – Lesson 19

Year 3 – Lesson 19 – The l sound spelled -al at the end of words – Lesson 19

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

World Hearing Day – 3rd March 2021

Did you know that on Wednesday 3rd March 2021 it is World Hearing Day? The charity Signal is based here in Shropshire, but the work they do supports people who are Deaf, have hearing loss or tinnitus across the World.

Signal wondered if our school children would be up for a World Hearing Day challenge!

They would love it if you could hold a sponsored 1-hour silence on the 3rd March to raise money for Signal and awareness for the work we do helping to support the Deaf.

Since 2013 Signal has directly supported over 94,000 people (42,784 people internationally and 51,250 people in UK). In the last year, they have supported 1992 children with disabilities to access education and trained 734 teachers to provide an inclusive learning environment.

I’m sure many parents will relish an hour’s peace (!) but they hope the experience will give children an understanding of what hearing loss or deafness might be like. Signal will also be sharing videos online with some basic sign language, so the children will be able to ask you ‘how much longer?’ or ‘can I have a snack?’!

The hour can be at any time to suit your schedule.

This will be a great way to expand their experiences, learn something new and raise a few pounds for a good cause.

All they need to do it download the attached sponsorship form.

Thank you for your support!







Tiger Class – Home learning – Thursday 25th February

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:

Maths – Geometry: Properties of Shape There’s no worksheet today, just an activity-based lesson: Make 2-D and 3-D shapes

English – The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken: characters and problems –

To use the progressive form of verbs

Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)

Maths – Measurement: Length and perimeter – It’s double Maths dayf  for Y3s today! Two videos and two worksheets to complete:

Video lesson 1: Compare lengths (revision)

Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-5-WO3-Compare-lengths

Video lesson 2: Compare lengths (new content)

Worksheet 2: Y3-Spring-Block-4-WO4-Compare-lengths

English – The Man on the Moon – Narrative Writing: To describe two contrasting settings and characters

All Tigers

There are some tasks for you to do in preparation for World Book Day next Thursday. Please read the post on the main Tiger Class page and use the extra time today planning for that special Day.

New spellings to be tested on Monday 1st (Year 2) or Tuesday 2nd March (Year 3):

Year 2 – Lesson 19 – Adding er to words ending in e with a consonant before it – Lesson 19

Year 3 – Lesson 19 – The l sound spelled -al at the end of words – Lesson 19

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Thursday 25th February

Hi Pandas,

Have you got your questions ready for our Road Safety Zoom on Friday? Road Safety Ray is looking forward to talking to you.

Our new class member, Panda is settling in well.  He is having a good look around.

Phonics – follow your schedule.

English – All Pandas  This can be done over 2 days.

Our text is Ruby’s Worry by Tom Percival

Reading aloud and key talking points:
Before you begin to read, look at the front cover and read the title of the book. Ask the children what they think they might already know about the girl on the cover. What do they think might happen in her story?

Read aloud up to ‘Ruby was perfectly happy.’ hiding the final sentence ‘Until one day…’. Think together about the things that make Ruby happy. What do they have in common with Ruby? What makes them happy?

Continue to read aloud to ‘…she was worrying about it!’ Do they think Ruby is doing the right thing? What do they think Ruby should do about her worry?

Read on up to ‘…she would never feel happy again.’ Pause to consider what Ruby says here. Do they have any ideas for how to make Ruby happy again?

Continue reading on to ‘Could it be a worry?’ How do they think Ruby feels when she sees the boy? What do they think she might be thinking?

Read to the end of the book. How did Ruby get rid of her worry in the end? What do you think she learnt about being worried?

After reading, encourage the children to tell you what they liked about the book. Was there anything they disliked?

What did it make them think about?  Do they have any worries of their own?

Do they have any questions about the book? How did it make them feel? Has there ever been a time where anything like this has ever happened to them or to someone else they know?

Maths – Year 1

Y1-Spring-Block-3-WO-Subtracting-lengths-2020 (1)




The  Animal Kingdom – In this lesson, we are going to be learning about 2 different families of animals which are vertebrates. Vertebrates are animals which have a backbone inside their body. The major animal families include fish, amphibians, birds and mammals. Today we will be focusing on the differences between mammals and birds.


Enjoy this story of The Rumble in the Jungle.


Have a great Thursday.

Mandy Turner



World Book Day

World Book Day

Next Thursday (4th March) is World Book Day. Although we can’t celebrate it as we usually do, we would still like to mark the occasion as it’s one of the children’s favourite days in our School calendar.

The first thing I would like you to do is to take a picture of your child reading in their favourite reading spot, so we can make a beautiful collage for our classroom when the children come back.

On the actual Day, we will only have book-themed activities and the children have been asked to bring a book to share with the rest with the class during the Zoom calls.

We will still dress up as a book character on the day, and it would be lovely for the children at home to do the same. Obviously, we are aware nobody is allowed to go out to shop for non-essential items, so please try and wear something you already have at home or get creative with outfits you can easily improvise. The character you choose to dress up as doesn’t have to be from the book you are sharing with the Class.

More details about the Day will be sent out closer to the date.

Snow Leopards

Good Morning Snow Leopards.
We are very excited to be hopefully seeing you all again very soon!


This week’s agenda for nursery:
We have been kindly donated a Puppet Show. We will be designing and making our own puppets using socks, googly eyes, craft pieces, templates (links below) and paint.
Once made and dried the children will create stories and perform at the Puppet Show!

Maybe you could join in at home! We would love to see your creations.



Find a space around your house – over the arm of the chair, the table, the worktop or if you are feeling creative you could make your own theatre out of a cupboard box! Anywhere you could hide behind to perform your puppet show will be perfect.
Please feel free to record your show and upload them onto Dojo. We would love to see what you have come up with!

We watched a short clip on puppet shows on the whiteboard to give the children an idea of what a puppet show really is. I have added the links below.



On the topic of socks we have linked this to maths – matching the odd socks, counting the socks and attempting simple number problems.
– Can you match up the socks?
– Can you count the pairs?
– Can you count them individually?
– Are there any odd socks?
– Can you hang them on a washing line? (fine motor skills)
– Can you work out simple number problems?

Story time: Simon Sock
(The story can be found on YouTube)

I am always available on Dojo if you have any queries or questions
Take care

Jodie Phillips

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 24th February

Hi Pandas,

We have a new Panda in class!!

He is a little bit nervous at the moment and he doesn’t have a name. Do you think you could think of a name for him? Message me on Class Dojo and I will put all the suggestions in a bag, and pull one out!  We’ve had some great suggestions so far.  I think he will feel better when he has a nice name.

He is beginning to explore the classroom, I will take photos of him and show you what he gets up to.  He’s really looking forward to meeting you all!

For today:

Carry on with Ruth Miskin’s Live Phonics lessons.

Also, have a go at blending some sounds to read the words.


Year 1 – Carry on with the spelling booklet; don’t forget, you may not know them all yet, but with lots of practice you will get better and better at spelling the words.

Reception –  This is the Read Write Inc list of spellings for Reception (Year 1, check you know these words too – reading and spelling). Read the words in set 1 and see if your child can spell any. Work on them if they are not known yet. When set 1 are done, move on to set 2.

RWI red-word-list-

Maths – Year 1

The next step is to be able to add different lengths together.



Comparing length with Connor the caterpillar.

EYFS measuring-caterpillar-lengths-maths-activity


English – All Pandas

You recognised lots of different emotions in our story – The Dot, well done.

Today we have got a comprehension activity, to check understanding of the story.


Go through the booklet, this can be done on the screen, if you don’t want to print it out. Verbal feedback is fine – chat with your child about the question and the possible answers; let them have some thinking time and then choose the correct answer.


Enjoy this non-fiction book about Pandas.



Geography – What is an Ocean? Where are they? Are they all the same? What are they called? Do you remember what the Continents are called and where they are? Watch this PowerPoint and complete the World jigsaw!



Don’t forget to think of some questions for Road Safety Ray, who is joining us for a Zoom Road Safety meeting on Friday at 11am.

Have a great Wednesday!

Mandy Turner



Tiger Class – Home learning – Wednesday 24th February

Wednesday is PE Day again! Although you should try to do some exercise most days, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays there are fitness videos provided by our PE coach, Mr Wright.

At 9am, there’s a whole federation worship with Mrs Williams, via Zoom.

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:

Maths – Geometry: Properties of Shape – To count vertices on 2D shapes

Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO3-Count-vertices-on-2D-shapes

English – The Eagle Who Thought He Was A Chicken: characters and problems –

To explore the problem from different characters’ perspectives

Phonics – Sets 2 or 3 (I will advise parents individually – link to video lessons. Daily lessons will be live at 9.30am and available to watch for 24hrs)

Maths – Measurement: Length and perimeter – Equivalent lengths – mm & cm

Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-4-WO3-Equivalent-lengths-mm-and-cm-2019

English – The Man on the Moon – Narrative Writing: To explore complex sentences

All Tigers
Geography – What is South America like?

New spellings to be tested on Monday 1st (Year 2) or Tuesday 2nd March (Year 3):

Year 2 – Lesson 19 – Adding er to words ending in e with a consonant before it – Lesson 19

Year 3 – Lesson 19 – The l sound spelled -al at the end of words – Lesson 19

Weekly assignments for Maths Shed and Spelling Shed have been updated: www.edshed.com

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Tiger Class – Home learning – Tuesday 23rd February

Year 2 Tigers are invited to join Mrs Crowe in a Zoom call, at 9.30am for a briefing of the day’s lessons. At 10am, it’s Year 3 turn to catch-up with Mrs Crowe and be briefed about the day’s activities.

There’s no spelling test for Year 3 this week, so no Zoom call this afternoon.
All details for logging into our Zoom calls have been sent to parents via ClassDojo.

Today’s links to video lessons and tasks:


Worksheet: Y2-Spring-Block-3-WO2-Count-sides-on-2D-shapes-2019


Worksheet: Y3-Spring-Block-4-WO2-Equivalent-lengths-m-and-cm

All Tigers

New spellings will be published to Spelling Shed during the day tomorrow, as we are having technical difficulties with the site this afternoon.

Don’t forget to read everyday. If you need other books at the relevant level, please send me a message, or access a variety of e-books on the Oxford Owl e-book library. Please have a look at our main Class page for many other free resources you might find useful.

Panda Class Home Learning Tuesday 23rd February

Hi Pandas,

I was pleased to see the Phonics was back online this morning; they are continuing with Home Learning lessons, so that’s great.  Keep at it, they are such a wonderful resource to be able to access.


Year 1.  Continue with measuring with work sheet number 2 ‘Measuring Length 2’.  Yesterday’s work raised some interesting questions about non-standard units of measurement, and how, if the method of measuring is different, then even though two items may measure 4 units long – if the measurement method changes then they may not be the same length. See questions 2 and 3 from Monday’s work to check. It raised a lot of discussion in school – even with 2 children!


Reception – How did the Home Measuring Challenge go?

More measuring today. See how you get on comparing height.


English – All Pandas

Have a look through the story of The Dot again


Find the list of emotions from yesterday’s work – Can you find new words that mean the same as the ones you chose yesterday? For example, here in class, we said that at the beginning Vishti was/looked  angry – another word for angry is cross.

Angry – Cross, and so on…

Then can you think of a colour that matches that emotion? I think we may choose red for the start where she seems angry. You could colour over the words in colours of your choice, to match the emotions.


Have a go at this feelings worksheet.



Continue with your spellings.  See yesterday’s spelling booklet.

Here is a link to having opportunities to practice your handwriting.


History – All Pandas

We are looking at the life of Neil Armstrong, this half term.  Key question::  Was Neil Armstrong an explorer, like Christopher Columbus?  Discuss what you think.

Watch the PowerPoint and then complete the time line.  There are a few time line formats to choose from, use the one that suits your child. Reception, you may want to use the pictures, to order the events of his life. Year 1 you may want to choose to do some writing – aim high!  Would you like to be an astronaut?

Neil Armstrong PowerPoint

Neil Armstrong Timeline Activity Sheet


How are you getting on with reading?  There are lots of books available online and I can put new books in the reception area for those of you who pass by school. Just let me know, and I can sort some out.

Enjoy this story, one of my favourites.. Whatever next? by Jill Murphy


Have a great Tuesday,

Mandy Turner