Cookery Club

It was the last of the six sessions of Cookery Club last week.  Therefore, we would now like to open it up to another group of children.

This club is open to all children in Panda, Tiger, Rhino and Jaguar Class, but is limited to 2 children per class.  If your child did not take part in Cookery last half term, and would like to sign up this half term, please contact the school office to confirm a place.

Cookery Club will run for 6 sessions, starting this week, and will cost £18.00 (£3.00 per session).  The club will run every Wednesday after school until 4.30pm. If you have any questions, please contact the school office or Mrs Davies at Nursery.

Myddle Scarecrow Festival

Just a reminder that the Myddle Scarecrow Festival will be taking place this Saturday 2nd March, 11.00am-3.30pm. We hope to see you all there!

Sunset Club

As the nights are getting lighter, we have decided to move Sunset Club back to the nursery, starting today (Monday 25th February).  This means that any children at Sunset Club must be collected from the nursery doors, not from the school office entrance.  Thank you.

Rhino Parents Evenings – CANCELLED

Unfortunately, due to illness, our Parents’ Evenings for Rhino Class is cancelled tomorrow and Wednesday (26th and 27th February).  Please be assured that the Parents Meetings will be rescheduled and we will let you know the new dates as soon as possible.  Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.


Parents Evening Booking System

Our Parents Evening Booking System is now live on our school website.

To book an appointment, you will need to visit the “News and Activity” tab on our website and choose the appropriate class.  Once you have booked your appointment, you should receive a confirmation email.  Please do not click the link on the confirmation email, unless you wish to cancel your appointment.

Y5 Languages Taster Day

Reminder that Year 5 will be attending a Languages Taster Day at The Corbet School this Friday 15th February.  Children will need to wear full school uniform and will need to bring a packed lunch.

Please ensure that all permission slips are returned to school as soon as possible.  Thank you.

Lunch Menu Change – Thursday and Friday

There will be a slight change to the lunch menu this week, on Thursday and Friday.  The menus will be as follows –

Thursday 14th February

Cheese Pizza (V)

Chicken Fillet

Veg Sausage (suitable for dairy free)

There will be no cold wraps or jacket potatoes available. 


Friday 15th February

Spaghetti Bolognaise (dairy free)

Fish Finger Wrap

Quorn Bolognaise (V) (dairy free)

Filled Cold Wraps

Filled Jacket Potatoes


If you have any questions, please contact the school office.  Thank you. 


Please could we ask parents not to park opposite the lay-by outside of school, as this causes an obstruction for traffic and makes it difficult for families to cross the road safely.

Parents should also not park by the telephone box at the end of the lay-by, as this also causes an obstruction for cars coming down the hill.  Thank you.


It has come to our attention that we may have some unwelcome visitors in school. We would be grateful for your support in eradicating the lice. For more information, please follow this link:

Young Voices – Thursday 17th January

Just a reminder that Young Voices is this Thursday (17th January). Last week, a letter with more information was sent home with children. If your child is attending Young Voices and did not receive a copy of this letter, please contact the school office.

If your child is no longer able to attend Young Voices, it is really important that you let the school office know as soon as possible.    

If you ordered parent tickets for Young Voices, these are now available for collection from the school office.