Year 3 spellings (to be tested on 28th September 2020)


Homework issued on 23rd September

Homework for Tiger Class will be issued every Wednesday / Thursday and due back the following Monday.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

Times table sheet (10x, 5x, 2x, or 4x, depending on child’s results from previous test).

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

Times table sheet (10x, 5x or mixed, depending on child’s results from previous test).

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Homework issued on 10th September

Homework for Tiger Class will be issued every Thursday and due back the following Monday.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

10 x  or 5 x table sheet (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

10 x table and 5 x table sheets (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3 spellings (to be tested on 21st September 2020)

The /i/ sound spelled with a y


Year 2 spellings (to be tested on 21st September 2020)

The /j/ sound spelled with a g


Homework issued on 3rd September

Homework for Tiger Class will be issued every Thursday and due back the following Monday.

Times tables tests and Spelling tests will take place every Monday.

Year 2 

10 x table sheet (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Year 3

10 x table and 5 x table sheets (in Homework books)

Spellings (in Spellings book) – can also be found on Tiger Class Spellings page of our School website.

Assigments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed – login details can be find in Homework books.

Meet the Tiger Team

As we start a new school year, I would just like to introduce you to the team working with Tiger Class this year.
I will continue to teach the Class from Monday to Thursday and Mrs Foster (who is also our SENCO) will teach them on Friday mornings (Science and RE).
Our TAs for this year are Mrs Rohr (Mon-Weds), Mrs Harris (Weds-Fri pm) and Ms Levine (Thur-Fri am), and they will be supporting in all lessons, as well as leading some group sessions for Phonics and whole-class Art and D&T.
On Wednesdays and Fridays, we have a new PE coach leading those sessions and on Thursdays, we will have a specialist from the Shropshire Music Service delivering our Music lessons.
During the Autumn Term, we will also be joined by Ms Leese, an Associate Teacher who is doing her Teacher Training with the University of Chester, and will be based at Tiger Class to start with. She has already met the children this week and is, obviously, smitten with them! ??
If you have any questions about the Tiger Team, feel free to drop me a message.
Mrs Crowe ?

Back to School!

One week to go, Tigers!

Here is what you need to know before next week:

1) Tigers are all to return to School on Wednesday 2nd September. Our start time is 9am and we will finish the day at 3pm. Please make sure you observe the one-way system around the playground and adhere to our class drop-off and pick-up times. We will enter our classroom via the veranda side door, but Mrs Rohr or I will come and collect the children from the playground on the first day to show them the way. From Thursday, they can make their way to the classroom by themselves.

2) We will have PE on Wednesdays and Fridays during the Autumn term, starting next week, so please make sure the children come to School wearing their PE kits on those days – including on the first day back (Weds 2nd September). The children will wear their PE kits ALL DAY on those days, so please do not send their other uniform to School.

3) Children are only allowed to bring to School the essential items listed in the letter circulated earlier this month. For Tigers these are: coat / raincoat, a water bottle, a School book bag (empty on the first day. We will send reading records, homework books and spellings books home when appropriate) and their packed lunch (if not having School dinners. Please remember all Y2 children are entitled to free-school meals).

Please make sure ALL belongings are labelled with the child’s name.

All pupils will be issued with a pencil case containing all items they will need for daily use in class, which are not to be shared. Please make sure no other items are brought to School from home.

Most new routines have been outlined in the previous letter, but please let me know if you have any questions or concerns.

Looking forward to seeing the cubs again!

Enjoy the last few days of your holidays,
Mrs Crowe

Summer Term – Home Learning Timetable – Week 12 – Year 1

Dear Y1 Tigers,

it’s the last week of this School year, so it’s all about transition.

Please find attached the home-learning project and all files for week 12 of the Summer Term (week commencing on 13th July) for YEAR 1 only. The Year 2 equivalent documents will be published as soon as possible.
Tiger Class – W_C-13.07.2020_- Learning-Project-TRANSITION

White Rose Maths worksheets:
Lesson 1 – Time to the hour

Lesson 2 – Time to the half hour

Lesson 3 – Writing time

Lesson 4 – Comparing time

BBC Bitesize:

I have also updated the assignments in Maths Shed and Spelling Shed.

All relevant documents and worksheets can been found in this post. Alternatively, all links and resources will also be published in our Class Dojo page daily, where I will be able to answer any queries.

Kind regards,
Mrs Crowe