Panda Class Home Learning Monday 11th January

Good Afternoon,

I hope you have had a good weekend and managed to make the most of the sunshine.

Here is the outline for Monday’s learning for Reception and Year 1.

RECEPTION Aim for small bursts of work through play and games, lasting for a few minutes at a time. Be guided by your child.

Maths – Composition of 4 and 5.

Watch/listen to the story of The Ugly 5 by Julia Donaldson.  Talk about the numbers of creatures.

Children will begin to recognise that numbers are made up of smaller numbers. Allow your child to investigate the number 5 and realise that it can be made in lots of different ways. For example, the number five could be made up of 1, 1,& 3. Or 3 and 2.  Or 1 and 4, even 5 and zero.

Encourage them to subitise (instantly recognise these small quantities without counting them). They will begin to notice that numbers are composed of 2 parts or more than 2 parts.

Activities: Use an empty ‘feely bag’, shoe your child that it is empty.  Together, count in 5 objects; pebbles or any other small items to hand. Take out some of the pebbles from the bag and ask your child how many you have taken out, count them together, placing them in a row.  Then ask how many could be left in the bag.  Repeat this lots of times.

Ask your child to draw a picture to show the results.

Don’t forget those challenging questions…  If I have 3 pebbles in my hand, how many will be in the bag? How do you know? Could I ever take out zero pebbles? If so, how many will be left?

A similar game could be played with 2 buckets and 5 pebbles.  Share the pebbles out between the buckets and discuss the possibilities in each bucket after all the pebbles have been shared out.

Phonics – Reception

This week we are working through Set 1 Read Write Inc sounds. Being able to say them when shown. Then we are learning to blend CVC words to read them. After that we are learning to write those words. Work through the sets below, starting with Set 1.  When they are secure, progress to Set 2.

Use these links to practise the sounds at your own pace, ideally you will complete 1 new sound per day. Tricky words video. Tricky words are words that cannot be sounded out and blended.

Blending video for reading and writing CVC words.  (Consonant, vowel, consonant) Please pause the video as much as is needed – sound out the words and ask your child to repeat it – have a go at writing them too.  Encourage your child to become independent when sounding and blending the words.

Sounding out is saying the pure sound clearly (t-a-p) not (tuh-a-puh ). Then blending is merging those sounds to form the word.

Keep a record of how your child is getting on.  Please can you send a video of progress or a note on Class Dojo to say how they are getting on.  This is a great website to have a look at.

Reading – Regular reading every day, even if it is for just 5 minutes. Oxford Reading are offering free online e-books, using the banded colours we use in school.

Speaking and Listening Activity



Phonics – Work through the list of sounds on the Read Write Inc sheet given last week. Let me know if you need another one.  As you are all working on different areas I don’t want to specify which sounds to cover.  Please let me know if you are not sure. There is a really good person on You Tube who does each of the RWI sounds. She is Mrs Suthers and her videos are well paced and  a good starting point.

Spellings – Lesson 1 Key Stage 1 Spellings (Also from Mrs Suthers)

a, I, put & ask

Again, there are other lessons so go at a pace which suits you – achieving at least 1 set per week.

Reading – Regular reading every day, even if it is for just 10 minutes. Oxford Reading are offering free online e-books, using the banded colours we use in school.

Maths – This week we are learning to subtract.



History & English

YEAR 1   &  RECEPTION could do this as well if you want to.

In our topic work we are learning about the life of Christopher Columbus.  In the beginning we will be thinking about who he was, what he did and where he went. He was an explorer…

What do you think an explorer would be like?  What qualities would they have? Would they need to have certain skills or knowledge to be an explorer?

So, your first job is to draw an explorer – go for it, it’s up to you, whatever you think they’ll look like.

Then, YEAR 1, write (using neat writing, capitals and full stops) sentences to tell me:

  1. What does an explorer look like?
  2. What will they be like as a person? Brave, strong, courageous?
  3. Can anyone be an explorer?
  4. How old do you have to be to be an explorer?
  5. Would you make a good explorer? If so, why?

 Can you find any facts about Christopher Columbus?

I am aware that some people cannot access a printer, so I will place some photocopies of the YEAR 1 maths work for the week ahead in the reception area. If you live a distance away from the school, making it difficult to get in, and you do not have access to a printer then, I will see if I can post them to you. Please let me know if you are in this position.  Other areas are easier to make home-made resources to match what we are doing but maths is a bit more tricky.

Mrs William’s is doing a whole school Zoom worship at 9AM on Monday morning, 11th of January. I will share the link on Class Dojo.

I will send a note on Class Dojo about other bits and pieces for the week ahead.

Please contact me if, you cannot access Class Dojo or for any area you need clarification or support.

Best wishes

Mandy Turner




Panda Class Home Learning Friday 8th January

Home Learning work for Friday 8th January 2021

Hello to all of our wonderful Pandas!

What a week!

I have to start by saying you are all amazing. I have been so amazed with all the hard work and effort that has been put in this week.  Everyone at home and the Panda Team here in school have had to pick up the pieces and run with a new way of working, with just a few hours of notice.  Panda Team work!

Although the expectation from the Government is for parents to home teach for at least 3 hours a day, please don’t beat yourself up if this is simply not achievable; everyone’s circumstances are different.  Parents are also expected to work from home and many families have more than 1 child to attend to. I would say, try and fit in Writing, Phonics, Maths & Reading, then, if there is opportunity, do the foundation subjects set.

Today’s Learning (8th Jan)

Our story today is The Wish Tree by Kyo Maclear

After reading/listening to the story the task is to discuss and decide what your wishes are. You could wish for something for yourself or someone else or even a wish for the World! Discuss what that wish means to you then write the wish down (Year 1 super letter formation, finger spaces please – Reception, as we are learning to give meanings to the marks we make, have a go at forming the letters correctly and write your wish with some help from a grown up.) You could use coloured paper and then hang your wishes up with colourful ribbon.


Reception are on SET 1 Read Write Inc sounds. Use the link given earlier in the week.

The live lessons from Read Write Inc are an amazing resource so please do use them if at all possible.

There are lots of websites available to practise phonics so I have added some links for you to have a look. They don’t all follow the sequence of RWI, but the letters and sounds are still the same.

Https:// Click ‘Skip Add’ when it first starts.

Https:// Tricky words to learn to read – I no the to into go

Year 1   Set 2 & 3 (Let me know if you don’t know which set your child is in)

Again, as with Reception check out the schedule and tune in to the live lessons. Work through the sounds at your pace.  Let me know if you need more specific guidance.

Reading  Please continue with books from home & stories online. Also, keep working through the Ditty Sheets which are a good way of recapping sounds and reading the Red (tricky) and Green (can be sounded out and blend to read) words.


Year 1

Subtraction – not crossing 10.  Use the work sheet first then you could create activities for your child around subtraction, using objects for them to use practically when taking away. For example, I have 18 grapes and Dad comes in and eats 7 of them how many will be left?

Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO-Add-ones-using-number-bonds-2020  Although this appears from the title to be adding it is actually subtraction.


Recognising and ordering numbers to 10.  Use the sheet and cut out the numbers, talk about which numbers your child recognises and see which ones they need to recognise.  Ask your child to stick them in to the correct order on the number line.


Sing lots of counting rhymes: 1,2,3,4,5 Once I caught a fish alive!

5 Current buns in a bakers shop

10 Green bottles

Books list:

None the number by Oliver Jeffers

Zero is the leaves on the tree by Betsy Franco

A squash and a squeeze by Julia Donaldson

I spy numbers by Jean Marzello

I will be scheduling Zoom sessions too.  I will send a link via Class DoJo. It would be lovely to see you all and to let the children all see each other again.  If you have any queries please let me know and I will try and help out. It’s difficult to know how much work is needed, but if you need more please let me know and I can add to it.

Have a super weekend and take care.

Mandy Turner

Panda Class Home Learning Thursday 7th January

Home Learning – Thursday 7th January 2021

Overviews of learning for Reception & Year 1 Spring 1 – This is what this half term will cover.

Reception Spring Topic Plan

Year 1 Spring Topic Plan


Continue with White Rose Maths Spring Week 1

Year 1 Also, use the maths sheet below to consolidate their learning.

Thursday 7th Jan Y1-Spring-Block-1-WO3-Add-by-making-10




Writing – Year 1  The Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony

First, either from the book or the on line You Tube story of the Queen’s Hat, show the image of the guards going in pursuit of the hat and ask your child to role play the chase.

Then, write for your child: The guards sprinted after the hat. Use this as an example and talk about how sprinted is a verb – an action word.

Finally, ask your child to write 2 or 3 sentences, changing the verb each time for how the guards went after the hat.  They need to write in full sentences with capital letters and full stops with good letter formation.

Writing – Reception  The children should practice writing their name as neatly as possible with good pencil control and good letter formation.

 Phonics – As per the daily schedule from Read Write Inc.

 Reading – Home books and continue with Ditty Sheets (from today)

Yoga – Time for some relaxation.  Follow Cosmic Kids on their adventures.

 Geography – Year 1  Children need to name and locate all 4 capital cities of the United Kingdom. Then discuss where the 4 capital cities are and mark them on the blank map.  Any other known places of interest could be marked on too. Have you been to any of the capital cities; what is similar or different about these locations? Will they have the same weather? How long would it take to get to them on the train or in the car? These last few ideas are just that, ideas, of things you can discuss, to bring relevance and enquiry into their work.

GeographyReception Can you talk about a sunny location and a cold location and then draw clothing suitable for both climates.  Ask why we need different clothes for different places. Is what they are made of different? What is the best thing for keeping us warm/cool?

UK Map A4


Just a quick reminder, any work that is done needs to go in to either the blue topic book from school (available in the reception entrance) or in a book from home.  Any additional work you do is great BUT perhaps if that could be done once the set work is complete.

Any queries please just ask.

Panda Class Home Learning Wednesday 6th January

6th January Briefing

Good Morning,

Here is the plan for Wednesday 6th January.

These plans are flexible, in the sense that you can do the tasks whenever suits you, within the day/week.  I appreciate there will be time constraints and work commitments for parents and other siblings at home too.

Joe Wicks is doing his wonderful PE sessions again, on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, so we will be tuning in to those in class.

Phonics – Live Lessons.  Start at the beginning of the set and work through a sound per day as per the Read Write Inc schedule.

Maths – White Rose Maths Spring Week 1   For Year 1.  As yet they don’t seem to be offering a worksheet so I will create some today and post them on the school website and on DoJo.   For Reception. Starting with Alive in 5! Lesson 1.  For this, White Rose are offering a PDF work sheet for you to download.  Further work here could be counting games – counting backwards and forwards.  Matching numerals to items.  Comparing numbers – ‘I have 5 apples and you have 3 carrots, who has more, who has fewer?’  Writing numbers to 10 would be a great activity too.

Reading – Any reading books from home or school. Magazines, newspapers and any environmental print around the home.  I have added 28 Ditty Sheets from RWI, they are designed for your child to work through, looking at sounds and blending words for reading, then reading the sentences.  They also have ‘red’ words which cannot be sounded out; they just need to be learnt by sight.   Reception & Year 1 Please complete one of these per day

WritingReception forming letters carefully.  I would match the schedule of RWI for the order of the letters.  Can you write some words you know?  Your name? Your family names?

Year 1  The Queen’s Hat by Steve Antony, then complete the questions; writing in full sentences with finger spaces, capitals and full stops.  Don’t forget super letter formation; make sure its neat.

Questions: Who is the Queen?

Where does she live?

What is her home called?

Can you find any other facts out about the Queen?

This half term in art we are having a look at creating patterns. Then we will progress to making patterns out of everyday objects. And finally, the messy part, we will be printing with everyday objects, such as Lego, leaves, toy car wheels and anything else around your home.

This link shows how to get started with some simple pattern making.

Week 1

Story books about patterns.

If there is anything that needs clarification please do ask.  This is very much work in progress and we are finding our feet and seeing what works best for all.  Please can children complete their work in a book, with each activity dated.  We are creating history here, so it’ll be great to have a book of amazing work to be really proud of.

Take care,

Best wishes.

Mandy Turner

Panda Class Maths and Phonics links

As promised, to get you started, some links to maths and phonics…

Week 1 Maths and Phonics links

White Rose Maths  for Year 1  (Reception there will be more specific work to follow but in the meantime, you could have a go) – this is week 1, of the new Spring Term. Adding & Subtracting to 20.  This might not sound like a very high number but there’s (usually) a series of deeper understanding questions and problems to solve. There are a few short videos so I suggest chunking them during the day.

For Phonics this is the link which shows how to say each of the sounds, for teaching phonics effectively.

Could work be recorded in a book from home or the 1 collected from school.  Then, as the work progresses, we can celebrate all of their hard work.

Panda Class Learning

Good Morning everyone,

over the next few days I will be publishing lessons and links to on-line learning. I am aiming to carry on with the planned lessons we would be doing in school, but in a different format.

I will draw up a home learning timetable, including Maths, Reading, English and topic based work. I will schedule some zoom sessions too.

From today Read Write Inc are offering live Phonics lessons via YouTube  (when I know more about the content of them I will be able to issue guidance as to which set of letters you could follow). The lessons will be available on-line for 24 hours.

White Rose maths are offering home learning and videos to follow, to support the children’s learning.  Again, I will look through these and try and fill the gaps/offer support when and where needed.

It’s early days in terms of putting all this together, but I will keep you posted on line and on Class Dojo.

I will be putting new exercise books in the school entrance for children to use at home for their work. If you could follow the usual guidance about safe distancing please.

Thank you so much for your support.

Best wishes, stay safe,

Mandy Turner

Reception’s wonderful creations. Warning – these are scary faces!

As promised a picture of the fabulous creations from Receptions wonderful clay work!

Didn’t they do well

Reception in Panda Class have created masterpieces!

Our Reception children have been learning about themselves this half term.  They have drawn amazing self portraits which will soon be taking pride of place on display.  They have also been busy listening to the story of The Gruffalo and have looked carefully at it’s features…. scary!  Then, using clay, they have created some wonderful faces of the Gruffalo!  Pictures to follow shortly.



Year 1 in Panda Class, have had a super writing week!

This half term we are working with, and enjoying , a wonderful text called Grandad’s Island, by Benji Davies.  The children have really enjoyed experiencing drama sessions and using them to bring their writing to life.  When writing the children have been thinking about adjectives, repetition for effect, using ‘but’ sentences and tomorrow we are looking to use superlatives!  They have worked so hard and should feel very proud of their writing.