Children in Need

This year we will be going spotty for BBC Children in Need!
On Friday 16 November, we will be having a non-uniform day. On this day, we would like children to come to school looking spotty and bring a teddy for a donation of £1.  This could include coming dressed head to toe in spots, painting your face spotty, wearing Pudsey merchandise or simply wearing a spotty piece of clothing.

We will also be holding a Teddy Sale and running a Book Stall, and would be very grateful for donations of soft toys and books which can be dropped at the school office beforehand. Save your pocket money! Also any spare coins can be used to cover our Pudsey Bear.

All proceeds will be donated to Children in Need.

Remembrance Service

The children will be attending a service at the Cenotaph on Monday 12 November at 11am. Parents/carers are very welcome to join us there if you can make it.

British Legion Poppy Appeal

In school we always support the Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.
From tomorrow (Tuesday) there will be a selection of items on sale in school with the suggested minimum donations below:
Poppy –  20p
Reflective poppy – 50p
Pencils, sharpeners, erasers – 50p
Rulers – £1.00

You may of course donate more if you wish.

Happy Half Term!

Please remember that tomorrow, Friday 26 October, is a PD Day therefore children will not be in school.

We hope you all have a lovely half term and we will look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 05 November.  

Online Payments – Important Information

Please can we ask that when making payments via the School Gateway online that you allocate the money to the correct payment destination for each child. For example school dinner money needs to be paid into the school dinner money payment option separately under each child, and Sunrise/Sunset money needs to be paid into the Sunrise/Sunset option separately under each child you are paying for, not all added together into one lump sum on one payment. Nursery fees and after school clubs also have their own separate options to choose, as do school trips and other events as they come up. It is essential that you allocate the money to the correct payment option in order for us to track that you have paid. We would be extremely grateful for your immediate cooperation in this matter in order for us to ensure your funds are allocated to the correct places. Many thanks.

Individual/Family Photographs – 05/11/18

Individual and Family photographs will be taking place on Monday 5th November (first day back after half term).  Please ensure that only correct school uniform is worn. Thank you.

Celebration Assembly – Friday 19 October

Just a reminder that it is our Celebration Assembly tomorrow at 9.10am.

If your child is receiving an award you will have already been notified via email, but all parents are welcome to join us.  We look forward to seeing you there.

Harvest Costumes – Y6 Readers Only

Please ignore previous post regarding costumes on Thursday.  It is in fact only children that have a reading in church that will require a costume.  These parents will now be contacted separately.

Please accept my apologies for any inconvenience caused. Please spread the word to any parents that may have seen the previous post but not this one.