Parents Evening Appointments

The booking system for appointments is now live.

Apologises for the confusion yesterday!


Mrs Smith


Please can we ask that ALL parents check their child’s hair as we have had another report of head-lice in school. If any evidence of an infestation is located please treat it appropriately.

Please can we also ask that long hair is tied back in a pony tail.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact school on 01939 290834

Cross Country – Arrival time back in Myddle

The team are due to return back to school at 3:45pm.

Please collect your child from reception

Many Thanks

Mrs Smith

Cross Country – Parent Parking and Access arrangements

If you child is taking part in the Cross Country on Friday 31st Jan and you intend on going along to watch and bring them back, please see below the arrangements we have received from Oswestry School regarding parking and access. If your child is returning to school on the bus please ignore.

Cross Country – Oswestry School – SY11 2TL

Head to the pavilion on the Maes-Y-Lan fields – on the left hand side of the road as you drive away from Oswestry town centre. Parking is extremely limited so please if parents are attending they will NEED to park in the town centre and walk to the school.

Young Voices 2020

The pupils and staff had a brilliant time at Young Voices 2020. A few pictures attached of the event and our fantastic pupils who behaved themselves impeccably!

Sorry Fans of Tony Hadley, no photo’s of him!!

Young Voices Update

They have just left, traffic is very heavy. They anticipate to arrive back in Myddle for approximately 10:45pm

Young Voices Parents Tickets

If you have ordered parent tickets for Monday’s event, please come to reception to collect them.

Mrs Smith

Lost Glasses – Jaguar Class

We have had a pair of reading glasses go missing today. Please can you check your child’s bags, just in case they have been accidentally taken home in error.


HELP needed – Myddle Multi Terrain Fun Run

Myddle Multi Terrain 10K, 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run
Sunday 29th March 2020

This is a HUGE fundraiser for our school and nursery, last year we raised £2230.75 and had 237 runners!

This event has steadily grown in popularity over the years and is well regarded as a ‘good one’ amongst local running groups.

We need over 30-40 volunteers to make this event work, ranging from medical cover (First Aid at Work or higher!), marshalling, set up, registration and helping out with the teas. We also ask for homemade cake donations as this is popular with spectators and the runners love it after their run!  If you are interested in helping us please speak to the organisers Cathy Cooke, Becky Sparks or Helen Price, Rachel on reception or a member of the PTA.

We also have some sponsorship opportunities for local businesses, so if you are able to support us in any way please get in touch with Cathy, Becky or Helen! Sponsorship money goes towards medals, prizes, marketing and additional race-related equipment that we can use year on year.  Sponsorship also means that EVERY PENNY raised goes directly to our children for vital teaching and development resources.