NSPCC – Assembly Tuesday 23rd February

Please find attached the link to Speak out Stay safe virtual assembly which is being held on Facebook, at 10am on Tuesday 23rd February.   There will be special celebrity appearances from Ant and Dec and David Walliams, the assembly will help children understand the importance of talking about their worries, and how Childline can support them, it will be a fun yet really informative opportunity for schools and parents home schooling alike.


Important Information – possible school closure

Dear parents and carers,
I do not want to wait until the PM’s announcement at 8pm tonight before giving you an idea of what will be in place IF we are asked to close our schools. The information below is to help you prepare. Please do not act upon it if we remain open!
Children of Critical Workers in School
We have been asked to prioritise which children come into school during lockdown, as the purpose is to have as few in school as possible. Therefore, please let us know by  tomorrow whether you fit into category 1, where you will automatically be allocated a place. Or Category 2, where we will consider numbers and family circumstances and reserve the right not to offer you a place.
If you are applying for a place on the grounds of category 1A. then please attach proof of your occupations with your request email.  A list of category 1A jobs can be found on the DFE https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-maintaining-educational-provision/guidance-for-schools-colleges-and-local-authorities-on-maintaining-educational-provision
Email the admin address as soon as possible so that we have an idea of numbers.
Category 1:
a)Both parents are Critical Workers for Covid response or EU Transition
b)Vulnerable children
c)Children in care
d)Children with an EHCP
Category 2:
One parent a Critical worker and one parent a key worker
One or both parents key workers, but not covid response
Parent in hospital
Even if you fall into the eligibility for a critical worker’s place, you may still prefer to keep your child at home, and if you are able to do that safely, then we advise it.
Your child’s teacher has had VERY limited time to process this new lockdown and prepare, but work will be provided on the school website class page under the section HOMELEARNING. They may also use Dojo to send you copies of worksheets or photographs of the whiteboard. As the week goes on, we will bring in some face to face teaching. From Wednesday, you will be sent a link to a morning Zoom so your child can register with their class and be told what is expected of them during the day. They will also be expected to join Worship via zoom, and as the week goes on, some other lessons or feedback zooms with their teacher.  There will be more information once we know what is going to happen.

Mrs Clare Williams

Christmas Jumper Day – Thursday 17th December

Just a quick reminder that its Christmas Jumper Day tomorrow.

Please send your child in their normal school uniform and their Christmas jumper instead of their school sweatshirt.

All donations raised will go to the Save The Children Charity

Gentle Reminder – Applications for Reception Class Sept 2021

Dear Parents/Carers

The closing date for any applications for Reception Class 2021 is the 15th January 2021.

If you require any guidance on this please click on the link below:



Celebration Assembly – 11th December

Star of the Week :
Jaguar – Maisie & Izzy
Rhino – Eloise
Tiger – Olivia
Panda -Beau

Mathematician of the Week: Alfie R, Nia, Amber, Gwen

Reader of the Week: Sam, Josh F, Ewan & Owen

Writer of the Week: Alex, Nelly, Sorrel, Ruby P, William Pe

Hand writers of the Week: Alissa & Abi

Class DOJO Merits: Panda Class

Well Done Everyone

16th December – Christmas Lunch, Turkey or Parsnip & Cranberry Flan £2.20
17th December – Christmas Jumper Day, £1 donation for Save the Children


Christmas Dinner – Wednesday 16th December

Dear Parents/Carers

We are looking forward to holding our Christmas Dinner on Wednesday,16th December.

Your child can enjoy either a Turkey Roast or Parsnip and Cranberry Flan.

Payment should be made via School Gateway as normal. If your child doesn’t normally have school dinners and you only need to pay the £2.20, please feel free to send this amount in an envelope marker with your child’s name.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to give school a ring on 01939 290834.